Gizmo Michael Bonney Ducati Up North

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by supervee, Mar 5, 2013.

  1. Some of you may know Michael. He was the founder of Ducati Up North forum and has been around the world of bikes, powered and not, for many years.

    During a cycle ride on Sunday he collapsed having suffered a massive heart attack. His prognosis is not good and I believe he is still on the critical list. He is 54. I'll keep you posted.
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  2. Wow my thoughts are with him!
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  3. Oh dear - sorry to hear that.

    Best wishes Gizmo
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  4. Oh no :-(
    Get well soon
  5. Not had the pleasure but read his posts from time to time. Same age as me (gulp). Best wishes & a speedy & full recovery Gizmo
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  6. Hope he recovers quickly!
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  7. I've not mentioned anything on any forums to keep things accurate and also out of respect... I've known Michael for many years, discussed one evening at his home about a Ducati forum and within weeks up north was born.

    I've spent many a weekend in his and Linzi's company, been on holiday with them etc... Linzi contacted me on Sunday with the news and it isn't good, I'm not going into details until more is known but I'm upset, shocked about my friends current condition.

    I'll pass the thoughts onto Linzi and Michael.

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  8. Totally shocked! Pass on my regards Jon :mad:
  9. Remember him from DSC of past I think as well as other forums. Hoping he GWS
  10. Have posted on the UKMOC forum as some on there may know or know of Michael.....
  11. A genuinely decent bloke. My thoughts are with him and with his loved ones, and hoping for the best possible recovery.

    I'm feeling gutted, honestly.
  12. Jon, I for 1 hope that you have some better news on the next update. Fingers X'd.
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  13. Pass on my regards if ya would Jon. Been around the Ducati scene for many years and is well thought of.
  14. My best wishes go to Gizmo, his family and his friends. Sad news :frown:
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  15. Wow. I've spoken to Michael a bit and he came across as a good egg and gave me some good advice. I'm gutted to hear this, he is one of life's good guys. Let's hope all the good karma he's earned himself over the years pays him back now and he recovers. I've got my fingers crossed.
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  16. I've only just spotted this on Facebook and feel genuinely shocked. Hope Michael makes a full recovery and my best wishes go out to him.
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  17. Hi all,

    Michael's injuries are potentially life changing he suffered a broken neck after falling from his road bike (pedal powered) on Sunday, I hadn't mentioned this as at the time it was really touch and go whether he would survive or not.

    Earlier in the week he underwent surgery to perform a bone graft on his neck to secure his head and that was successful, Linzi sent me a quick text last night saying they had been conversing - lip reading as he is unable to speak due to the tracheostomy currently but he sounded in good spirits all things considered.

    Today he has been moved to a specialist spinal unit at James Cook University Hospital in Middlesborough for the next stage of his treatment. I know he has a potentially very long road ahead of him but knowing Michael he won't give up and that Geordie spirit will help no end.

    If I have any more updates I'll let you know ASAP.

    I'm sure like me you all wish him the best with his recovery and our thoughts go out to him, Linzi and families at this time.
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  18. Firstly thanks for the update Jon. Glad that Gizmo is atleast for now he is in the land of the living. Like you say its very early days yet. Heres hoping that the progress continues.

    The 2nd person in 8 weeks, lets hope that we don't have anymore injuries to others like this.!.
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  19. Sh*t, who was the other one?
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