British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

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  1. I wonder how many will want to re-negotiate their eu deals given the U.K. imports around $617 billion making us the 5th largest importer of goods in the world and now their eu deal will not cover the U.K. ?
  2. Finm can imagine that country being Scotland as he has already stated that if Scotchland was indi they would join and cos their economy is so brill they would be that country that would put in more than they take out.

    Also, R.E. the German article. You've got to be a really crap negotiator not to be able to use those stats to leverage the deal that you want.

  3. The only German word that can be applied to the Common Market and the EU is 'Dumkopft' ie; what effing idiots put us in this position in the first place?
  4. I copied the whole article to save you clicking the link

    Since when was it my job to educate you? When I do provide links you dismiss imthe evidence therein as incorrect and you know better than experts
    • Funny Funny x 1

  5. There will be even more room when the Scottish equivalent of the Brexiteers apply Brexiteer ideology to the English living in Scotland.

    Looking forward to you arguing the complete opposite of what you do now
  6. Absolutely clueless
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  7. The EU has to re negotiate it terms with the WTO when we leave in no deal
  8. No more replies to you Mr troll man, your yesterdays chip paper
  9. Welcome to the DUK.
    The DisUnited Kingdom.
  10. askeys.jpg
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  11. What happens when we get Scoxit and Scotland leaves the UK because of Brexit?
    How hard will that border be I wonder? No GFA to worry about so it can be as hard as you like...
    Without Scotland, where will we be in the largest economy pecking order?
    Maybe without Northern Ireland too, if a United Irelsnd becomes reality and why shouldn’t it?
    #24571 Old rider, Feb 10, 2019
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2019
    • Funny Funny x 1
  12. Ok so without Ireland we are fooked as no more cheap Guiness. Or Irish whisky. If we leave Scotland we are fooked as no more Scottish whisky. Or Harris tweed. So start a brewery in the uk & we are sorted. Richer England. No brainer doh.:cool:
    • Face Palm Face Palm x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
  13. i dont think using Winstone the colonial is a good idea if promoting global Brittan is yer goal
    not exactly true, i dont think our economy is brill, how can it be with one and a half of our hands tied behind our back?
    my argument is that our economy is not the basket case its depicted to be.
    what you guys seem to ignore with the Scottish vote re brexit, is maybe not just our faith in the EU, but, the distrust many of us have in the UK system and method of governance. which, it appears many of you on here share.
    you guys talk about project fear. you folks haven't a clue what project fear is. we cant get a word in without most of you that take the time to comment on this Bike forum, on these type of threads, to remind us how dependent we are on your good will. its been a recurring theme on here since i joined 5 years ago.
    where do you guys get it from? why do you believe it? dont bother to reply, anyone with half a brain can work it out. it was the comments on here that helped to turn this probable no voter into a YES voter.
    too wee, too poor, too dumb, set to repeat, not for the last four years but for at least the last four decades leading up to the first home rule reff, which was won by the YES side in 1978 btw.
    i'm confident i am speaking for half our country here. if, "yer too poor" is the UK's only answer to home rule, i think its only natural for us to ask. why are wee too poor? why in 2005 are we listed as the poorest country in the west? i also think its perfectly normal to post to links like the next one i am about to post to. especially when some of you seem happy to post to the likes of the sources you do.
    read it and weep. or, meh, just ignore it. or, maybe Noob, can debunk it for us.
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  14. UK/Swiss Trade Deal - Hopefully a sign that things are starting to progress. With Switzerland on-board it should start the ball rolling.

    The government will today sign a trade deal with Switzerland, heralded as the most significant such agreement in the run-up to Brexit.

    The deal, known as a trade continuity agreement, will guarantee future trading terms between the two countries once the UK has left the EU.

    It will be signed, in the Swiss city of Bern, by International Trade Secretary Liam Fox and the Swiss federal councillor Guy Parmelin.

    The agreement is designed to remove the threat of additional tariffs in trade between the two countries and to also to lift the possibility of additional duties on "the vast majority of goods".

    The government says that "trading on these preferential terms", as opposed to sticking to the terms of the World Trade Organisation, "will deliver significant savings and help to safeguard British jobs".

    Italy is also looking to minimise issues:
    Italy is drawing up emergency plans to safeguard financial stability and keep trade with the UK flowing even if there is a no-deal Brexit, if necessary through a bilateral deal between Rome and London.

    The country’s insurgent Lega-Five Star coalition is increasingly worried that a mishandling of the EU’s Brexit crisis could push Italy's fragile economy into a dangerous downward slide and risk a funding crisis for its sovereign debt at a treacherous moment.

    Premier Giuseppe Conte has told his Brexit Task Force to focus urgently on ports, airports, customs, and the handling of food trade, as well as the status of Italians living in the UK.

  15. That would need an economist to unravel but a couple of things spring to mind; RBS cost about £90 billions to bail out and then there is Scotland's share of Armed forces (a major employer) and the EU contribution. These are all costs coming out of the treasury.
  16. I think you confuse people not agreeing with the snp and it's sillyness with not wanting Scotland fin

    I've seen it in the commons when your snp leader in there saying we as part of the U.K demand equality and then promote the eu as equality where you will have around 14 meps based on your population and France, most of the northern eu states will be telling the smaller countries what to do and almost certianly Germany will.

    It's things like that fin that show the true face of the snp, the Scottish UKIP whose real mantra is anyone but the English

    We do not want to be ruled by a place so far away like London (402 miles away) but are okay with being ruled by a place further away (Brussels 616 miles away)

    We do not want to be part of a coalition of 4 where we feel we are ignored and larger countries with larger populations get to determine our future but are happy to join a coalition with another 27 where larger countries with more power, bigger population and a commission decide our future

    We want independence for Scotland so we can be free and decide our own future, to then give it away and 27 other countries and a commission can decide our future even if it costs us that recently won independence

    And those fin are just the top of the shop and before you start digging, we both know that nonsense indi 2 book published by the snp government was so bad that even they put it in the cupboard quick smart.

    Thankfully the snp does not represent most Scots so don't confuse a dislike of the snp with a dislike of Scotland and the Scots, we are a far better nation with the Scots as part of it.
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  17. So, already moving away from WTO rules.
    Very pleased to see it.
  18. RBS was regultated by the uk Gov, it was bailed out by loans, loans secured on uk assets. do you wanna talk about uk assets?
    scotland pays its population share of the armed forces along with any invasion the UK gov chooses to undertake. would we chose to invade?
    • Love You Love You x 1
  19. another deliberate mislead on how the EU works, PR sunshine, groups of partys from various EU member states form alliences and work togeather. its not the UK where the opposition just opposes.
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