Only the best Castrol R will do ! My beds strange . memory foam mattress , then I have a heated under blanket as I'm like a lizard and like a hot spot. heated bit is on my side ... Whole bed is mine but for some strange reason I sleep on one side? Down duvet , fluffy blanket .. Memory foam pillow , more pillows , pillow I cuddle ... I like beds
I stayed at a hotel in Ireland a while back the bed was heaven ! so much so I had to keep flopping onto it with a stupid grin. The strangest request I've ever got was from a friends Dad ( my friend is 20) he said he would love to wake up to find me jumping up and down on his bed like a trampoline ?????? I'm still insure how that came up!!! id have black eyes
Poor Ducbird how can she run she has a sore ankle ...... As for waking sleeping men up as your frisky or can't sleep. Last time I did that I got sworn at
No no .... He was not . Lad was really overworked and knackerd and slept like the dead. He didn't even recall it . I can laugh now but at the time it was quite scary as said with real venom.
So I'm not trying that one on a chap again ... My friend had a bad dream and punched his girlfriend in the face broke her nose and gave her two black eyes!!!! Even worse he lived with her and she was a police woman. She then decked him back and he woke up shocked and saw the state of her and was horrified. He had no idea he had done it until he was punched in the face. Hes a real gentle giant and wouldn't hurt a woman. She dumped him and he had to explain why he had a shiner . Another one my friends husband used to go out in the lash a lot. One night he got in bed then sat up and clearly "asleep" took all the duvet and squashed it into a circle shape. My friend asked " what the hell are you doing?" He said " making a bowl" she was puzzled. He then still asleep said " cause I am going to be sick!!" And promptly started hurling in the duvet bowl
I do permanent night shifts mon-fri. no trouble sleeping. Only at the weekend I can't switch-off, as I am out of my routine. Normally 51/2 to 6 hours sleep does me fine.
morning all :-( My usual technique when I'm still lying awake after 45 minutes at silly o'clock is to switch on the laptop and listen to some radio 4 i-player stuff - I'm catching up on the week's episodes of the Archers, and then maybe I'll listen to a special on 30 years on the Meaning of Liff (the funniest book ever). I often find myself dropping off again to a serialisation of a book e.g a Terry Pratchett - even though I really enjoy reading them, sometimes a serialisation of a book can work like white noise drowning out the other half's snoring.
I had a half decent night thank God. Mind you I was still awake at 5.20am. I just got up and went into the office at 6am.