British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

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  1. Just had a lovely little ride down to Snells to book the Multi in for a bit of fettling. Chaps down there say it's business as usual as far as they are concerned and the order book is full. I heard a very similar tale at Bahnstormers Maidenhead earlier this week. No sign of any impending doom just yet from our Italian and German friends.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  2. From what I've read this last few days the Italians are very keen to keep British trade as open as possible in the event of us moving to WTO.

    I think they've also gauranteed all UK citizens rights at the event of a no deal as well.
  3. So, MPs have now rejected a motion that the Government proceed with BREXIT in accordance with the previously accepted motion and amendment?

    Have I missed something?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. Not got a clue - they are just a bunch of morons :bucktooth:
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. May must make a compromise in her plans to attract one or other of the groups who oppose her, in order to gain a majority. May seems to think that she can continue wasting time until the 29th when her opponents will support her deal rather than seeing the UK leave without a deal/ transistion period & under WTO rules.

    Either sufficient MPs will vote against the government in sufficient numbers to force an alternative, namely second referendum, or closer ties to the EU, or May will be proved right and her deal will pass at the last moment.

    The ERG have nothing to lose by going to the people for a second referendum, as it is the only way a no deal departure will happen. There is more chance of the public voting for WTO exit than there is of the MPs doing so.
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  6. Something Ex and i can agree on.

    May and the Government are now dead in the water.
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Funny Funny x 1
  7. As are the opposition :bucktooth:
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. Not really. This is still the same chequers deal May was told in July, would not fly. I don't know how many votes they have to have before she realises it will not fly. I wonder if in her mind this she feels is a help to her in getting the backstop dropped and an alternative won?

    The ERG will never go for another referendum, they know we have had a vote and re one of the few groups trying to respect it. The problem we have is the democratic majority of the people want to leave the eu and the majority of parliament doesn't.

    In the mean time, this is the last thing the eu want as the mep elections are coming up and the way the eu has behaved in trying to retain a country for life even though its people want to leave, will aid the anti eu european parties also running in the euro mep's elections in the next few months

    The best outcome is to leave on wto/free trade but allow till the end of the year as a transition period to allow a steady and prosperous transition period
  9. Something I’ve heard little about is:

    After we Crash Out with No Deal/Leave with WTO Rules, what trade deal are we then likely to agree with the EU, and how quickly?
    • Funny Funny x 1
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  10. A zero tariff deal for a few years has been mentioned within a WTA allowable transition :thinkingface:
  11. I think individuals futures are over once this fiasco is resolved, but the group around May is at least 170, which with the EU supporting LIB/DEMs, LAB & SNP will easily defeat a hard Brexit group which at best total 90.

    May will be dumped, perhaps Corbyn too (once its all decided).
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Useful Useful x 1
  12. There never was a crash out, We would leave with a mutually agreed deal (something the U.K. wanted but the eu did not) or we got to the wto& free trade system even the eu uses for people outside of the soon to be 27.
  13. I do agree once she feels she has got it across the line, she will feel she has achieved her goal and then she may decide to step down at some time. I suspect however this will be of her own timing

    Corbyns issues is that he appealed to the young who are idealistic and not realistic and in their eyes along with momentums input, his form of socialism was okay in the 50's but not amongst the middle class momentum londiniums in the 2010's and onwards. Watch John Mcdonald step in IF they still want Corbyns brand, if not it will fade in membership and go back to the middle of the road blairites like Starmer and cooper
  14. Why do you think Corbyns support has dropped?
  15. The demographic he appealed too that saw the sudden rise. Millenials are more of an activism generation but with the patience of a goldfish, if they do not see results and quick, then large chunks seem to move onto other issues and loose interest.

    Most want to remain as they see themselves as borg but european borg and yet the person they voted to represent them had 40 years of anti eu history, rather than admit they were wrong in their choice, they will simply move on to other things once brexit is dealt with.
  16. Reassuring to see that my beloved Arsenal are aiming to leave Europe on a ‘no deal’ before 29/3 :scream:

    Vote that one down you basta*ds :laughing:
    • Funny Funny x 2
    • WTF WTF x 1
  17. Except that according to all indicators none of that drop off by Millenials towards Labour has happened. The polls are within 4% between CON & LAB. More people like May than Corbyn but both are generally disliked. A good campaign by either party could result in a win. I think it could go either way if there were an election.
  18. I would have thought being an antisemitic, terrorist supporting thicko isn’t helping his cause much.
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