I agree that some would try to stop the Leave with no deal option being on a ballot, but they would not be able to do so. If there is a second referendum it will have the three options: Leave WTO / Accept the deal / Remain. It would be completely unacceptable to the public for it to be any other way. Currently Leave WTO has 50 to an absolute max of 90 votes in the HofC, out of 650. A second referendum Its the only way it could happen.
I think you will find that until No exit without a deal has been confirmed by a vote, it certainly remains a possibility.
Insisting the vote he and his cronies scraped through with lies and false promises is forced through.
If a second referendum happened , it wouldn't, then remain could not be an option as that decision has already been publicly decided, leave was not depending on a deal
Don't be sorry about being ineffectual. We can't all posess rapier wit and repartee. You are simply playing the hand you have been dealt.
Noobie, the referendum would be held to resolve a situation. Votes are only valid until a new one superceeds it. There would be no point holding a referendum without the three choices which are available.
Visa vie referenda, why don't we make it best of 5. Fuck democracy, lets get Barry Hearn in he'll sort it.
and there in lies the biggest hope of the remainers but they are never able to say at what point do neverendums stop and we act upon a vote?
time to stop digging methinks... May has spent the last two years trying to come up with something acceptable and failed