British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

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  1. So who isn't buy a European car or bike from now on just because it's going to 5% more expensive due to a WTO tarriff?
  2. What I do find funny is, I can't be the only person who has been divorced and then gone through the parting of the waves so to speak

    If the lawyer says okay you both agree to leave this marriage so we have two options
    (1) leave but the ex wife continues to control who you see, when you see them and what you do whilst continuing to pay or
    (2) We have a clean break remain friends and you can both go forward with new futures

    The remainer approach seems to be option 1
  3. Fwend? i'v seen that word before. anyhoo, dont bother me while all this politics is taking control.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  4. one of the many unicorns that won't be galloping over the fields towards us.

    But there will be other benefits. Can't deny that. Let's all hope they work out to be worth it
  5. It is because you (Remainders) are obsessed with perceived economics that you miss the most important aspects of Brexit.

    I understand though that I cannot dissuade you from your religious zealotry ... so I accept that you cannot see the economic issue in a dispassionate way any more than you grasp the self-determination argument.

    Meh. I was arguing with religious fanatics in the 90s, I know the taint of fanaticism when I smell it.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  6. It was an answer to a stupid comment - but yes it would, if the EU didn't wish to bully us by loosing out themselves. Or can you think of another reason why it couldn't happen?
    Do you condone the bullies or are you just fearful of them??? :thinkingface:
  7. Hello Bessie fwend :blush:
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Drama Queen Drama Queen x 1
  8. It is because you (Remainders) are obsessed with perceived economics that you miss the most important aspects of Brexit
    yip, but your never gonna march on Westminster, most of you are all talk on a bike forum. and the ones that do, will no doubt have a special place in hell marked out for them. bitter auld buggers so ye's are.
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  9. Morning selective mr grumpy pants :D

    Have you read the snp manifesto?

    not opposite fin, more like as well as. Financially they will lose more than us as we import more than we export and most of that is from within the eu, we now will be able to import from outside the eu which is cheaper, that is a fact

    Germans do control the eu, it has always been a vehicle for Germany first, that is why nothing moves unless Merkel says so

    Never said let Frenchies burn, have pointed out the French are unhappy with the eu which is leading to riots where things are burnt

    Drool Britania? you confuse national pride with nationalism, for that you would have to head north of the border to a place where the devolved government even had national in their name

    Honest fin, in the mornings you are like Elton John without his Snickers (Marathon to us old folk)

    • Funny Funny x 1
  10. That's not the general impression I get of the gang of brexiteers on here.

    Most of them seem to relish the idea of leaving with no deal, no agreements, no arrangements whatsoever. They seem to relish the idea of utter chaos and have no concept of the disastrous consequences.

    They just seem to think: Oh it'll be fine - bring it on
    • Like Like x 2
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  11. I have yet to met a Remainder who has grasped what was obvious to me ever since the EU Ref was announced.

    The simple truth is that the EU's solitary goal is protecting and furthering The Project. It has been prepared to sacrifice anything, everything, including economic stability, to ensure More EU.

    The EU will stuff its member states, without hesitation, in order to dissuade the UK (and others) from leaving the EU, and to punish anyone who does actually leave. Leaving the EU must be made to be too terrifying a prospect for any member state to contemplate. The EU bureaucrats themselves will not suffer the financial consequences of policies that seek to directly punish the UK whilst inevitably inflicting collateral economic damage to EU member states.

    There was never, ever going to be a deal with the EU that was worth the UK signing. The EU is not interested in "deals" they are laser-focused on More EU. Everything else is secondary to that.

    The Single Market, the Customs Union, these are not the goals of the EU. These are not the purpose of the EU. These are the "honey pots" used to entice countries into the EU, with promises of "prosperity". They are the bait for the EU trap.

    I used to be astonished that people cannot see this for themselves but no longer. I have had to accept the fact that nearly half the population are sleep-walking whilst attempting to comfort themselves that the EU has their best interests at heart. What a time to be alive.
    • Like Like x 1
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  12. Again with the conspiracy claptrap
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. and would receive a grade A from Noobs school of contradictions.
    • Drama Queen Drama Queen x 1
  14. Not an argument, sonny.
  15. the EU...
    is there a wee bit inside you just dying to tell us about the men and woman at the top, the ones with the scales and swivel eyes from outer space and pulling our strings?
    • Funny Funny x 2
  16. Just my opinion, to me it’s more that a deal would mean the uk hasn’t left the EU and is possibly restricted by that.

    I’d probably agree that I have no concept of the disastrous consequences.
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  17. Aren’t there about 700 EU politicians in total ?
    That’s some of the problem for me, I thought the EU was about free trade and movement of people, why does it need all them to keep that organised.
  18. There are loads of bureaucrats who are responsible for overseeing, for instance, Italian national budgets.

    There are so, so many things involved in running a trade association. An army, intelligence operations, putting down rebellions ... work, work, work.

    And that's before you consider the 751 "politicians" who have to vote on decisions and keep voting on them until they vote the right way.

    The answer is More EU. We desperately need more EU.
  19. yip, they keep voting until they vote the right way, nowt wrong with that as every vote will introduce another amendment and consesion until a working majority is secured. all good.
    too much representation? PR Govs work differently to FPTP. tho things might take longer you cant have too much representation, and more diverse the better.
    surely you could follow that up with theres 800 unelected law makers for a four nation state of 60mill.
  20. Sssshh finderman, we are talking about the EU not Indy.

    Trick Question: does the EU model of government more closely resemble FPTP or PR?

    I would welcome PR but we would need to dismantle the current oligarchy, first. They won't want the comfortable status quo being disturbed so there may need to be some assertive action required to achieve change.

    First step - rid the UK of the oversea oligarchy ...
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