i dont need to ask what your about, we have been discussing your kind for years and have managed to keep you and yours in the minority since 1955. its good to talk.
Personally, being somewhat risk-averse, I see not knowing about something so crucial as a very, very bad thing
It isn't seems you don't know a lot about the workings and direction of the EU elite but that doesn't bother you
That's how I see it. Just think of overtaking on your motorcycle round a blind bend - that's how I see it. You guys seem to think oh it'll be fine but I think bugger that...
you really haven't a clue. and its got jack shit to do with my posts and everything to do with leaping without thinking. only 2-3% of decisions of EU POLICY has gone against the UK govs position. hardly a description of being under the lizards claw.
What about where they are now, isn't that bad enough? look at what they have just said to BA's owners for instance - you don't believe they wish for more power and a United States of Europe? Really you do need to stop moaning here and go do a bit of digging...
There will be deals - after - I haven't seen any 'no deal' brexiteers of which you speak. I want full cooperation towards a free trade deal with all EU countries (states) even though it benefits them more than us!!!
I don’t see anything wrong with being risk-averse, but there are times in my life when I wish I had taken the risk and didn’t. I think it depends on what you see as crucial, I’m not convinced the uk people will be fighting for food and medicine for example.
Just realised why so many on this forum are so illogically keen on brexit and especially a no deal brexit. It's jam-packed with thrill-seeking risk-takers! Why didn't I realise this before??? Duhhhh…..
mate, according to most leading charities and the UN, how many deaths have been linked to tory uk austerity?