Greece basically went bust with an unsustainable economic model and had to be bailed out with billions and billions of taxpayers money from other countries - mainly Germany iirc. Hardly surprising there were conditions applied. Are you suggesting the money should have just been handed over?
in the case of hub priority and strength of case, we have most of europe by the nuts. An awful lot of european airlines do not have transatlantic capable planes. They tend to be smaller planes flying into key hubs of which Heathrow and Gatwick are two of the busiest. If the eu loses access to those two through no mutual agreement, then many of their smaller airlines will be greatly effected and will see a massive need for european airlines to decide whether they should then invest in transatlantic planes, most will not have the financial backing for that
As opposed to the politics that you seem to like which is all is good while ever you've got some family jewels to sell off, and when thats spent it all goes to rat shit. TB
I am suggesting that the austerity was imposed by the EU as part of an EU "bailout deal", after the EU had accepted Greece into the Eurozone - despite the EU's own rules which, had they been followed, would not have seen Greece adopt the Euro. The EU placed the acquisition of another country into their Project ahead of what was economically prudent. Hmm, where have I heard of that sort of thing before? Oh and "... despite the EU's own rules ..." - I swear, I have heard that phrase recently, too.
Because of the ever increasing need for expansionism, the eu allowed a debt ridden unable to pay country like Greece in. The eu's own qualifying targets and rules were ignored by the eu commission and ever since in one way or another, the other 27 have been mopping up after Greece. Such are the wishes for expansionism of the eu that they have continued to overlook, two thirds of the countries in the eu, take out more than they put in. At some point those paying the bills are always going to say "hey hold on a minute, how did they get in? they are shitfaced broke and that is against our own rules"
My mother has a Margaret Thatcher tea pot, bought for her as a joke as she was a shop steward and fairly left wing. I asked her once why she kept it, she said there is no better feeling than pouring boiling water over thatchers head.
If the EU was willing to ignore its own rules and damage "its" economy in order to sucker Greece into the Eurozone ... ... what makes people think it won't do further damage to the EU economy in order to punish the UK and dissuade it, and other current members, from leaving the Project? Come on, folks. You aren't this stupid, you see this, right?
I don't think you'd get many people to argue about accepting Greece into the Eurozone being a rather large mistake