Oulton Park Track Day Cost £4000

Discussion in 'Trackdays & Rider Skills' started by james griffin, Feb 16, 2019.

  1. 2 issues.

    Firstly it's selfish. I'd imagine other people that wanted to be on that TD couldn't go as someone took 1/3 of the places.

    Secondly, would you want to book a TD with only 2 groups? Maybe, but if you booked in novice you could be with some pretty fast inters blokes or fast riders could end up being with slow inter riders and vice versa. At the time of booking did they know this, probably not.
  2. He who pays the piper calls the tune
    • Agree Agree x 3
  3. Selfish why?

    I just booked 24 slots on an NL trip, should I feel guilty ?

    And who said they reduced the number of groups, that letter doesn’t .... like I said, no harm has been done and the snowflakes should give up trackday ...
  4. Selfish as others couldn't go as I said above.
    1. (of a person, action, or motive) lacking consideration for other people; concerned chiefly with one's own personal profit or pleasure.
  5. And they must have removed a group otherwise it's 3 groups + that bloke which is then 4 groups so shorter sessions?
  6. Possibly a professional sportsman, who wasn't allowed under contract to do a track day with other riders?... I had Donnington all to myself (there were 2 other guys, but they went in before the end of the session) on the last session of a day in November... It Felt very strange and eery.

    Or maybe the organisers were concerned his V4 would develop an oil leak and endanger other riders!;)
  7. Would have been funny if they failed the noise test :innocent:
  8. But where does it say fewer or shorter sessions? That letter makes a presumption the group numbers were dictated by this guy, for all we know this guy may have already booked his part of the day and they scheduled the rest round him, so rather than make presumptions put down your pitchfork and go get the truth before you start labelling people or rubbishing businesses .....
  9. Apparently they lumped inters and fast in together so he could have his own sessions.

    Fast guys were not happy as some riders were a lot slower.

    Some guys just moved up from novice not happy about the fast guys flying.
  10. Best way to vote if someone isn’t happy is by not using MSV again.

    I wonder how many other guys are out there willing to pay £4K+ for a session to themselves?
  11. Marc Marquez doesn’t seem to slow down when he leads from turn 1 :)

    Having seen the way some people ride at Oulton, I can’t blame the guy for not wanting to share the track with them...
  12. I think some folk on here need to either read the other posts or find out exactly what happened before commenting.

    The issue wasn’t reduced track time but the fact that inters and fast were put together to make room for this one man band.

    So there were issues regarding huge differences in speed, could be deemed dangerous, Plus there were some faster guys that ended up in Novice as well.
  13. Complaining about this is ridiculous but if the trackday companies just started using transponders we wouldn't have half of the issues we get in the UK.
  14. I think people just like to moan when they see someone else gets better treatment than them or has something they don't
    In reality, as far as I can understand, Inters and fast were mixed together to make a group of 42 riders, when Oulton has a track limit of 60, so still well within the limits.
    In actual fact, it was a nice day in February, so people should just be grateful it wasn't snowing
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  15. Finding riders of differing abilities arbitrarily mixed in groups (for whatever reason) is nothing new and is the single reason I no longer book “open track” days in the UK and Spain. I know FE use transponders for all their Spanish days and some UK days but the management of moving riders is not perfect by any means. In the past, I have shared garages on “public” track days with BSB Superstock 600 and 1000 riders, Stock 600 riders, Ducati Tri Options Cup riders and on one occasion, Josh Brookes and Broc Parkes testing the then new cross plane Yamaha R1. I don’t know what the answer is although for me it’s using a small independant offering limited number open pit lane days to a clientele group it has built and known over time and has a reputation for enforcing rider discipline on track. Andy
  16. <Idiot Mode On> But thats just really selfish, what about all those other people that wanted to ride the track that day and can't because you and your rich mates have booked it just for yourself, you should be ashamed and I should be typing this with way more spelling errors <Idiot Mode Off>

    Well said .....
    • Like Like x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
  17. I had a great day riding the session by myself.
    I wanted to book the whole day but was told I had to allow track time to poorer plebs...selfish bastards.
    • Funny Funny x 5
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  18. /Thread Closed
  19. could it of been Mr Addi......right bike right leathers right neck of the woods......
  20. Just asked that on FB lol
    • Funny Funny x 1
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