British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

Results are only viewable after voting.
  1. So far all 10 are extreme remainers who want to overturn a majority democratic vote. It will be interesting to see what happens to them after brexit?
  2. Or, if enough join them 'what brexit'
  3. I understand when the environment is becoming a far bigger worry for our young and their future, the sudden loss of massive factories and thousands of pointless lorry journeys and the removal of toxic diesel emissions from those thousands of lorrys, will be more important.

    How much do you think the air quality of Swindon will improve without thousands of artics?
  4. 1. I was being somewhat ironic. Even if the UK retained an opt-out for future EU developments, I am entirely confident that a large number of UK Parliamentarians would fail to use them. May's behaviour demonstrates most eloquently her support for integration within the EU Superstate.

    2. "On a long enough time line, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero."

    I don't just want Brexit because I don't want the EU Government to impose its radical agenda on the UK ... I don't want the UK Government to impose the radical EU agenda, either.
  5. Your funny: 'extreme remainers'

    It will also be interesting to see what happens Grease smog and gang if things go t*** up due to their manipulation of Tory party and Brexit. Nothing that will affect their great wealth no doubt.
  6. 11 MPs is more than the DUP have.

    Hopefully we will see the end of class ridden UK politics now and the end of Tory/Labour grip on power.
    • Funny Funny x 2
  7. Just in the 3 tories today 2 out of 3 of them represent a leave constituency and have continued to ignore their own voters since 2017 when they all stood on a manifesto to leave the eu.

    your obsession with mogg only see's you one step away from chlorinated chicken. Could you answer the questions I mentioned above, just for something new from you, you understand

    Continual key questions remainers refuse to answer

    (1) If we had a second vote it would be one all, would there need to be a third and if so would that be best of 5 then?
    (2) at what point do you stop neverendums and start acting on the peoples vote?
    (3) If you feel 51.% for and 48.1 was too close to call, how would you have reacted if the same figures were reversed so remain won by 51.9% would you have refused the vote saying it was too close?
    (4) vote leave was clear as was vote remain, if however remain had won, how would you feel about the leave side then asking for a second referendum as the vote never explained what remain actually meant and their demand for a rerun with clarity of remain?
  8. Short memories from some Brexiteers as well. Vying for TM to be chopped, only a month ago.
    Nobody likes Corbyn (fact)

    Yet when people walk away from Corbyn and his mad left wing cronies, and then people walk away from TM and a badly managed Brexit, it is they who are the bad guys. Get real.
  9. Then you clearly haven't been following the votes these three have been making in the last year? they have been anti party for some time and have voted as such
  10. Time for a bit of base-lining of the terms:

    Extreme Remainer - Someone who seeks to ensure that the UK remains in the EU despite the democratic result, no matter what.

    Remainer - Someone who voted to remain in the EU in the Referendum and who accepts the democratic result.

    Leaver - Someone who voted to leave the EU in the Referendum and who demands acceptance of the democratic result.

    Extreme Leaver - Someone who voted to leave the EU in the Referendum and who demands acceptance of the democratic result.

    I really spoil you people.
    • Funny Funny x 3
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. The three conservatives who have gone independent have just taken there seats on the opposition benches in parliament.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  12. Do yourself a favour and go back and read what you've written. Slowly.

    Do you honestly think that *anyone* should die just because the country needs to "balance the budget"?!?
    That's just utter rubbish.

    Here's some facts for you, backed up with references:
    1. Labour were not responsible for the *global* banking crisis (the clue is in the title)
    2. The working man was not responsible for the *global* banking crisis either (the clue is in the title)
    3. The Conservative and Liberal coalition (and the later Conservative led government) reduced public spending with one hand, under the name of Austerity (in the world's 5th biggest economy? Who are you kidding?!?), while with the other hand it reduced corporation taxes and gave tax breaks to companies. One befits the other; without those tax breaks there wouldn't need to be Austerity measures, but then anyone who understands the Conservative methodology understands that this is their modus operandi.
    "George Osbourne's tax reduction from 50p to 45p in 2013 leaves £8.5billion black hole":
    "Tories Handed Business £110 Billion Tax 'Giveaway' Amid Austerity-Driven Cuts, Labour Claims":
    "Landmark study links Tory austerity to 120,000 deaths"

    But we DO have control of our borders as we are not part of the Schengen Agreement.
    EU policy also allows us to:
    1. EU law does not provide nationals from other EU Member States with an unlimited right to enter or remain in the UK
    2. The right to live in the UK [as an EU citizen] without any conditions or formalities only lasts for three months
    3. The UK retains the right to restrict the freedom of movement and residence of EU citizens and their family members, where their personal conduct represents “a genuine, present and sufficiently serious threat affecting one of the fundamental interests of society”
    Full text on EU migration here:

    And it wasn't the EU nor Labour that have been systematically cutting spending on public services including the Police since they've been in power; in fact it was the previous Home Secretary, someone called Theresa May, that oversaw a reduction of 20,000 Police Officers. I wonder what happened to her?

    "Recently arrived EU immigrants pay more in tax than they consume in welfare or public services, so they benefit the public finances."
    "Police funding fell from 2010/11 to 2018/19. Overall funding fell by 19%, taking inflation into account. That compares to a 31% increase in funding between 2000/01 and 2010/11."
    "Violent crime in England and Wales is far lower now than it was in the 1990s"

    And immigrants are not the cause of a lack of council/social housing either, because guess which government is no longer funding it?
    "Despite repeated promises from ministers, only one new home is being built to replace every five sold under Right to Buy."
    "Council housing numbers hit lowest point since records began"

    ...and most of them stink.
    • Like Like x 2
    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. Rumoured that another 6 Tory MPs also considering leaving the Party.
    • Drama Queen Drama Queen x 1
  14. What? :bucktooth:
  15. Noobs, your questions are meaningless once you wake up to the hard fact that Brexit as described by Leave can not/will not be what it said on the tin in 2016. If it could have been it would have happened by now.
    At some point you will realise that Brexit will have to take a different shape.
    What the hell is the point in the same vote? A vote on a real deal, Norway deal or similar. Or remain. Maybe.

    But having the same vote will give us the same problems. So I am against an identical referendum.

    I have answered this before btw.
  16. Yes fair point, broadly I agree with you. It is interesting to note that I have not been spouting pro EU dogma. My point has been the leavers have not been honest with the direction of travel, hence the chaos that we see now. Interest to note that those evangelical leavers will resort to any level of criticism rather than smell the coffee.
  17. OK Loz.
    How would you classify someone who voted ‘Remain’ in the referendum and now demands acceptance of the democratic result that we leave?
  18. Going to keep trying with what I think are key questions, lets try one at a time.

    1) What are the key impacts that you think the UK will suffer from once we have left and things have stabilised, assuming we leave without a deal?
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