British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

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  1. Some time ago, you asked for a definition of an extreme brexiteer and I did my best to furnish you with one. Perhaps in return, you could furnish us with a definition of an extreme remainer or is it just a retaliatory phrase??
  2. For me it'sNot retalitory at all, a balanced one though. Loz's explanation rather categorised the difference I feel

    Extreme Remainer - Someone who seeks to ensure that the UK remains in the EU despite the democratic result, no matter what.
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  3. Well, you say he did but he did not, he fluffed the first line then went onto diverts, unlike yourself who hasn't even given an answer on any of them
  4. With the visa thing I suppose it depends on the country and their process and how much work is required in that country, if it was long term work then locals would be best.

    The import export issue I suspect both sides will want to reach an agreement as soon as possible, like I’ve said before it’s a shame they didn’t start at no deal and start working on trade deals from there 3 years ago.
  5. Much of the export import discussion has largely been confused by confused remainers.

    At almost every juncture when a problem has been raised, most remainers in here certianly, have only seen the problem on the british side and act as though this would not be a problem on the european side.

    Because of that, much of the trade issues discussed in here has been skewed when in reality, with both sides standing to lose shedloads, they will adapt once business knows what to adapt too.

    This has been the biggest failing of brexit in that we should have made a deal at the same time as article 50 and then the last 2 years would have been a genuine transition of the agreement. This also is why so many said the the government knowing how the eu would try every dirty trick possible, that article 50 should have included wto and free trade deal so both sides would have had to negotiated with clear guidelines.

    As much as all the fluff put forward by remoaners and business is just that, fluff, it does not change the fact we had a democratic majority vote to leave the control of the eu project.
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  6. Is it a coincidence that every closure is done in favour of an EU territory or one with a free trade deal with the EU?

    I think not
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  7. Yeah like none of the above is related to Britain First, the EDL, UKIP?

    Have you heard what the three Tory defectors have said today about the Tory party being taken over by the right wing? Not just in Parliament but at grass roots.

    That not happening either?

    Not noticed the first people the PM reached out to after her WA defeat was the ERG?

    Not heard of Bluekip?
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  8. You're right it's no coincidence, I can't decide if that's a good or bad thing.
  9. Do you think those at the bottom of the economic pile should suffer so that others in business don’t endure a few hiccups?
    A simple yes or no will suffice.
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  10. A8FD3129-1FCF-466B-824A-C8AF82170771.jpeg
    • Funny Funny x 1
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  11. They are not asking for another referendum, they are asking for a vote on the Brexit 'deal'.
    • Face Palm Face Palm x 1
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  12. Why the fear?
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  13. If you are a remoaner, your opinion based in their comments in here, the world will end for the U.K. unless we have eu masters

    If you voted in a democratic vote and were on the majority side then Honda's decision can be seen as valid as the plant was making nearly 50% units less than 10 years ago due to the current world market of automitive.

    It's timing however 5 weeks before we leave and after a eu deal has been signed with Japan has simply hardened the resolve to leave as with friends like that, who needs enemies.

    As to Chukka and the now gang of 11, I still find it funny that they are all remainers, all seeking a second vote as peoples opinions have changed they claim, but ALL of them refuse a second vote on the labour and tory jobs they run for, were elected too and then left the team but want to keep the job. Again, just another sign of the remain hypocrisy
    #25773 noobie, Feb 20, 2019
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2019
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  14. This is nonsense of course as they want remain to be on the vote paper, that part has been decided. If as you say it is on the deal only, there would be no need to add remain. No one is falling for that one
    • Agree Agree x 3
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    • Face Palm Face Palm x 1
  15. Erm, what one? A democratic vote on a Brexit deal?

    So Leave/Brexiters will agree to just anything that is Brexit shaped? Surely not.... Sounds a bit crazy to not want to look at what is being offered and consider the options.
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  16. You still didn't understand the vote and I now believe this is the cause of much of your vexation.

    The vote to leave was never based on a deal, it was leave or stay, we voted to leave, job done.

    Now if you were saying a second vote would decide what deal we would leave on? the clue is remain is not a deal, that part has already been voted on.

    A second vote could only be on what deal to leave under
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  17. That is a good idea and if Brexiteers (not just on here!) would listen, discuss and exchange ideas instead of having closed eyes and ears, we might have made progress ages ago.

    And you may get a surprise at how many would be happy(ish) to have a choice of deals that does not include remain.

    it even sounds vaguely democratic?

    You see. Not all extreme remainers are extreme!

    I 'remain' needing convinced that the typical so called positive thinking leaver :)rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:) is pragmatic enough to take the idea of having choices on board.
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  18. But if you include ‘Remain’ as an option too you can check whether enough people have changed their mind, and a few more ‘Leave’ options (Swaziland Plus, Gondwanaland Minus) would split the ‘Leave’ vote further to make sure ‘Remain’ has more votes than any other option. And if it doesn’t you can go Best of Eleven or park your tanks on the lawn?
  19. Of course it is, I made it :D

    I absolutely assure you that if we had a second vote (which would be the first one on the actual deal to leave under) Those extreme remainers would not want it to take part as it would not have remain on it, thereby showing their real face of wishing to stop brexit and nothing else
  20. I don’t really see a problem with a second referendum, other than what would the choices be to make everyone happy ?
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