I'm starting to think either seems pointless, both will do what suits them regardless of what they say.
How can it be principled finm, they are doing exactly the opposite of what they are preaching. brexit isnt the be all and end all. its the symptom, not the cause. the partys have changed, tho it's taken longer for some to realize it.
Also, are they representing the people that voted for them ? in my case, yes. every constituant and council voted remain. just a few months after being told by the same people promoting brexit, the only way to stay in bla bla bla.
You do get confused finm, we were talking about the 11 defectors and you have yet again changed the subject.
Brexit has managed to entirely consolidate that all parliamentarians are self-serving, dishonest and untrustworthy - where to now?
i'm talking about 11 mps leaving their respective partys because they no longer recognize them as the partys they joined. blukip momentum.
That seems fair, but what do you think they should do from that point ? Officially form a new party and state their views / agenda ? Should their seats be voted on again ?
i think they should do whats right for them and be honest with the constituants they represent. a bit old fashioned i know.
Winston Churchill “crossed the floor” and left the party he campaigned for and manifesto he pledged allegiance to and joined the Tories. Perhaps you can tell us if he immediately submitted himself to a by election?