Removing Venture Shield

Discussion in 'Detailing and cleaning' started by Jim2wheels, Feb 23, 2019.

  1. Hi all,

    My bike came with Venture shield pretty much everywhere you’d want it. However, it’s now starting to look quite tatty in places - doing what it’s supposed to do no doubt!

    I’d like to take it off in some places. Any advice or things worth noting before I get started? I was going to get the wife’s hairdryer and warm it up before working a leading edge up and peeling it back. I was then going to use some GT85 and a cloth to remove any residue.
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  2. The guys on a VW forum I frequent use dental floss to remove badges from paint, might be useful here too, especially if you can soften the adhesive with a solvent?
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  3. Do as you said heat the film and as it comes away keep heating the adhesive side it comes off handy one you get started , I use a wurth industrial cleaner but your gt85 will be fine it leaves very little residue !! Good luck !!
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  4. Thanks guys.

    Dental floss...I’d never of thought of using that! Sounds better than using a plastic scrapper that I was going to start with.

    Also, heating the adhesive side once it gets going, I would have kept heating the outside.

    Going to use both bits of advice.

    Seems a shame to take it off, but seems to go against the point of having it if it starts looking a bit cack.
  5. STEAM!!!!
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  6. Really? I would have thought adding water would make it difficult to grip the protective wrap.
  7. Yep Really.....we remove PPF every time with steam....easy peasy.....
  8. We’ve got one of those home steam mops with a detachable hand steamer. Would that do the job?

    What’s the benefit over the hand dryer option? I just want to take the option that is least likely to damage the finish.
  9. Heat with a hairdryer then pick from one corner keep heat in but not loads
  10. You need a proper steamer that produces a lot of steam.....not a £50 Argos special....
  11. The hairdryer should be fine. Start on a plastic panel low down or under the tail to get a feel for removing it and remove in small steps, feeling for changes in resistance in the film detaching all the while and if it becomes difficult, stop, heat the film again and remove in tiny increments.

    The tank is probably the most costly area of the bike to make a mistake and so avoid starting with the tank.

    Although I’ve applied / removed ventureshield many times I recently made the costly mistake of allowing the film to cool and pulling too much film off the tank in one go thereby taking the paint with it.
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  12. Kärcher SC3 ftw.
  13. Thought as much. Thanks for the advice.
  14. I've removed some. Used a heat gun at a distance, and it came away fine. A hairdryer would have been OK for the job.

    The ventureshield adhesive is quite strong so beware if you've had any panels painted and you think the adhesion of your paint may be in any way weakened, it could potentially bring the paint with it.
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