British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

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  1. How is the "negotiating trade deals going"? I hear its totally fcuked with 6 deals including the Farhoe Isles & Palestine after 2 1/2 years.

    Is it true that Hunt insulted the Slovienians today? Hunt is fresh from causing a row with the Chinese! Admittedly that was started by the twat in Defense who annouced the UK will be sending an aircraft carrier without 'planes, that will not be fully operational for two years to sort out the problems in the pacific...
    #25881 Jez900ie, Feb 23, 2019
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2019
    • Agree Agree x 1
  2. yip, he did, thats what happens when the *cough* brittish do diplomacy.
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  3. The UK Parliament is hell-bent on proving that they cannot govern the UK and therefore the EU must do it.

    Cunning plan.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  4. Interesting description of May, by an ex Conservative MP, Micheal Parris

    So do I like the fact that May is the one negotiating Brexit? Of course not, an alcoholic donkey wearing Elton John glasses could do a better job, and probably dance better too!
  5. I will vote for UKIP,and if there is no candidate ANYONE except the three main parties.
    If there was a Republican party I would prefer that,as I am firmly of the opinion that the class system,(that has destroyed this country by involving us in foreign wars,and is the root causes of this Brexit debacle), will never be truly eradicated until the head of the snake is removed and consigned to history.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  6. I agree about not voting for the main three.

    Trouble is, from memory, there hasn’t really been any other alternative that looks like they have a chance of being voted in.

    Perhaps these recent events will change that.
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  7. AC89257E-3C02-4EAD-985C-725D6058B260.jpeg
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  8. That was then,etc.
    Politicians have such SHORT memories:
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  9. Crazy May annouces this weeks vote is cancelled and the next one will be March 12th.
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  10. Do you think that more MPs will vote for No Deal than Mays Deal if faced with no other choices?
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  11. She’s aiming for the deal the EU have allowed, but with some modification to the “Back Stop”.
    The question is, what alternative will she offer if the modification isn’t good enough to be voted through: no deal or no Brexit?
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  12. So you are saying that there are three alternative scenarios:

    1 No deal
    2 Mays Deal (with or without changes)
    3 Revoke Art 51 & remain (at least temporarily)

    It appeared to me (and you!) that more MPs want a Deal, so Mays shitty one is better than none? You then say that we will leave with No Deal. These two points seem to conflict with each other?
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  13. I wouldn't hold your breath on that, the way the EU work, they may well be thinking the longer they can drag it out, the more chance there is of a second referendum or even remain being a possibility, they have nothing to loose by dragging it out, the longer we have uncertainty the more pressure our government is under with future investments put on hold.
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  14. My worry is that Labour are moving towards another referendum, if they do, along with the other remainers in parliament they could quite easily carry it through, very tense times to come over the next few weeks.
  15. I think your arguement is flawed. It would be what I would want to happen were I to favor No Deal Brexit.

    Overall there are approx 50 to 90 who have voted pro No Deal in various forms. That means there are at least 450 who want some kind of deal. Following that rationale, Mays Deal is better than no deal at all.

    Anyhow I think there will be new amendments tabled which Bercow will submit to the house.. These could contain many different options and will be in addition to the Cooper and Letwin, which would give Parliament the opportunity to delay Brexit and prevent a no-deal, if there is no agreement with the EU by the middle of March. For any of these amendments to pass they only need be more prerable to MPs than No Deal or Mays Deal. Which virtually everything is!

    As for the EU refusing to allow an extension I can see no reason for them to do that. All the time we are still inside there is a chance we will "Remain" which they would prefer. It would only be problematic for them if we don't sort it out before July & the next EU new MEP terms. The EU feel No Deal is the worst option, far worse than giving an extension.

    "Speaking from the summit on Sunday, Austria's Chancellor Sebastian Kurz said it "would be good to postpone Brexit" if the deal was not agreed by the beginning of March." The first of 27 already announced...
    #25895 Jez900ie, Feb 24, 2019
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2019
  16. No Deal won't happen, neither will Remain on current terms. There will be a compromise for better or worse.
  17. Our politicians and the EU will win this one - but a revolution could follow o_O
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  18. If Merkel, Macron, Kurz, Rutte & Lofven -all countries who contribute more than they take out say yes to an extension, all the others will follow, just like every other EU decision. They will say Yes because No means they will pay more...

    I understand you want the country to leave with "No Deal". I want to win the lottery. But it makes more sense to discuss what will likely happen & why.

    I won't win the lottery because I don't buy tickets.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  19. I think we will remain, in some form at least because that’s what the politicians want ( and big business too - they seem to have influence on politics).

    I haven’t won the lottery either, but I do sometimes buy tickets. :)
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  20. Revolting? I totally agree!

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