Just received an e-mail supposed to be from inland revenue saying i had a tax rebate, IR NEVER notify with e-mail of a tax rebate, must be someone phishing. Be aware this time of year (year end) there are some not very nice people after your money.
Been getting those for the last three years at least.......also, I have so many direct relatives that have died overseas having left me a huge fortune if only I was prepared to send the executors several thousands for administration purposes.....and all the banks that tell me I have unauthorised attempts at loggng into my accounts, or I need to update my details.........really clever technology innit?....when I don't have accounts with those banks. And those w**kers that phone saying they are from Windows and Microsoft to tell me there is something wrong with my computer and they can fix it for me.....I sometimes wonder who are the thickest...the scammed or the scammers........I just tell them to F-off as soon as I hear who they say they are. And the other thing....."Can I speak to the householder / the person that holds the telephone account?" ........ I just answer 'Why?' AL.
Al you can avoid 99% of unwanted calls by joining the TPS TPS I joined many years ago and it really does cut down the nuisance calls significantly, the odd one comes through every now and again , presumably from outside U.K jurisdiction.
Funnily enough I was aware of the TPS as well as the FPS (outmoded I guess) but as I work from home and my business number is the same, then I suspect I could well be short of work fairly quickly.......Well, I would be short of work, if it hadn't dried up already, having been ill.... .....anyway, I'm sometimes in a bad enough mood to enjoy telling them to f-off or giving them the runaround.....:wink: AL
Android Find out the name of the company who called you by feigning interest, and report them to TPS. Does everyone a favour!
Same here, if I can be arsed I will get their number next time. I must admit I usually just put the phone down on them.
HRMC tried to catch me out too. They sent me a cheque for £550 as a rebate for overpaid tax. Yeah right, I ain't that stupid. Like that would be true. I ripped it up and put it in the bin. sneaky sods :biggrin::biggrin:
If I get cold callers I just ask them to wait a moment whilst I turn the oven off... then put the phone on the table and leave it.... its their call costs not mine ...sometimes I can hear a squeaky "hello!... hello!" coming from the phone after a few minutes or so :biggrin:
There was a time when I had all unknown numbers redirected to local police station. Took about 2 months for my own TPS to kick in as they must have told others about my home number being police ..... not.
I sent a copy of the e-mail to hmrc and got the following response Thank you for letting us know about the suspicious email you received. Our specialist team will look into your submission and take the necessary action. We cannot always inform you of the outcome of these investigations but we do act on each submission we get. Please be aware that HMRC does not use email to contact people about being eligible for a repayment or to ask personal information or payment. If you are concerned that after receiving a HMRC related scam email you have: • disclosed personal information (such as password/user ID); • disclosed credit/debit card information; or • reason to believe your computer has been exposed to a virus please forward a report to us at security.custcon@hmrc.gsi.gov.uk so that we can look into it. If you disclosed credit/debit card information you need to immediately report the matter to your bank/card issuer. Emails such as the one you received are issued in huge numbers and sent indiscriminately, which is why we recommend using up to date spam filters and other online protection. HMRC takes online security very seriously and with law enforcement agencies works hard to identify and stop these attacks. We also continuously monitor systems and customer records to guard against fraudulent activity. The methods fraudsters use to get the information they want is constantly changing so we provide regular updates on the types of scams we are aware of. The main risk is theft of identity or online account access details. Please ensure that you keep your password and user ID secret and update them regularly. Please report any suspicious activity to HMRC immediately. HMRC publicises details of current scams on our website HM Revenue & Customs: Online security - making your online experience as secure as possible. Regards HMRC
When my Dad gets the Microsoft / Windows call he keeps them talking for ages before saying he is having trouble turning on his computer, and then asking if they mean the oven / TV / any other household appliance that springs into his mind. He gets great pleasure from winding them up, his record is over 5 minutes of time wasting in just one call so far.
its a scam to get your personal information I get those 2 or 3 times a year I did reply once asking excactly what the tax refund was for strangely I never get a response
I wonder why HMRC don't close these phishing sites down yet another " dear customer you have overpaid tax to the sum of £1400" it would be nice if I had.
Had a few of these myself now ..... but, only since I started to file my return online. Before I did online returns, never had anything.
My Clients get these all the time and always phone me and say is it true. To which I reply, 'When did you give them your email address?'
I had one of these emails a few weeks ago. The funny thing was it arrived about two hours after I had actually spoken to my tax office about my tax code. Any unsuspecting person would have clicked links etc and put themselves at risk of a scam. However I knew that HMRC didnt send out emails so I duly forwarded my "phishing" email to the powers that be for them to deal with. No idea what they will have done mind you
I had one as well funnily after a tax query... My bloody eBay account was hacked luckily I spotted it. However eBay left a cookie on my account that meant all my money was directed to someone else. It took them over a month to sort and the stress was not good. I kept telling them what it was but they had the nerve to say I was typing in a PayPal account that was not mine! I said er why would I want my money to go to someone else!! Between eBay and PayPal the cost in calls and hours checking stuff was unreal... They admitted it was their end eventually and refunded me some money. But who ever deals with ebays customer care ... Where its based I do not know should have been slapped.
Nice use of public resources TPS can take p to 12 months to kick in, there is the mail one too MPS which opts you out of a lot of junk mail.