British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

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  1. People used their democratic vote, all the rage in the open world, not so much in closed minded projects
  2. Because that applies to all high volume manufacturers

    Your thoughts on BMW and Toyotas statements today ?

    Having worked in manufacturing for the past 29 years I can’t begin to tell how much easier it became after adopting the common rule book- to use everyday speak.

    And here we are saying “we want to make our own laws” and opt out of the common rule book. We then have the audacity to ask for a free trade agreement where our laws will be diverging whilst every other trade deal done has been about laws converging.
    #26362 749er, Mar 5, 2019
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2019
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  3. Thoughts?

    BMW and Toyota are politicking. Attempting to nudge the UK into Remaining, aka the WA. Had the Tories been seriously pursuing the best Brexit possible on behalf of the UK, we would not be hearing such threats from these two car manufacturers. These are threats, make no mistake.

    If BMW and Toyota make good on their threats, they risk a backlash from a portion of the UK consumer market, who will remember the cynicism of these two firms.

    Business can and will adapt to the new Brexit reality, if it comes to pass. On the flip side, the UK will adapt, if car manufacturers inexplicably decide that having factories in Brexit UK is not in those company's interests.

    The point is moot, in any event. These two firms are just paving the way for May's WA sans Backstop bait and switch. The UK is not leaving the EU in any real, meaningful sense. Leaver MPs will jump at "WA-minus" like hurting crack addicts.

    What we are seeing now is just theatre. Pathetic, soul-sucking theatre.
  4. Agree and this is why we should remember the votes were the peoples voice and not the business's. Business in general will move when ever it wants to, it has not a single allegiance to any country it operates in.

    Bmw make the threats every couple of weeks and have done before even the vote took place, it's no coincidence that the head of jlr worked for bmw for 20 years and has made the same threats (rather than admit they couldn't be trusted with a battery toy let alone a battery car).
    • Like Like x 1
  5. why would May give a ferk about a few thousand jobs going when the introduction of austerity put a mill on the doll 8years ago and 2mill 40 years ago.
    they know that brexit will lead to the brake up of the uk and loss of its cash cow.
  6. If leaving the eu project was really so bad for bmw, wouldn’t they be just pulling out of Uk altogether
    Is just BS
  7. It is of course as you said. If we said we were going to stay in the eu, tommorow. and 3 months later bmw stocks continue to slump as the world wide glut of cars continues so bmw pulled all of its manufacturing to Germany then remainers would feel very foolish
  8. now now fin, it's not like you to look backwards :D
    No it won't lead to the break up of the U.K. despite the snp's continual attempts to do so and, we have covered the cash cow point. The largest industries in Scotland are U.K. not Scottish companies and as to fishing and oil, all of those are in U.K. legal waters, Scottish waters only extend 12 miles out. You keeping reading wings and it gets you all wound up needing cocoa at night to calm down again, you know this
  9. In or out, foreign investors and manufactures will be looking for more stability than we have been showing!
    • Agree Agree x 2
  10. This thread could go on forever :)

    If we leave with a deal then we haven’t really left.
    If we leave no deal, everything that happens in business and elsewhere will be ‘blamed’ on brexit.
    If we remain everything that happens in business and elsewhere will be ‘blamed’ on remaing in the EU.

    Good innit. :)
    • Funny Funny x 3
  11. Didn’t the banks threaten to move to London if Scotland left the UK?
  12. Would agree, I think you would also agree most brexiteers in here have said business will adapt as long as it knows what it needs to adapt to and on that front, the government has been piss poor. This has largely been through May as a remainer, trying to appease everyone except the majority democratic vote.
  13. brexit project fear x10.
    aye, they did, but one was already there and had been v,long time. DOH!
    They can base them selves where ever they like, but the tax is payed in the contry where the transactions take place. the banks will go where the market and currencies are stable. the pound will be worthless due to the uk's balance of trade, and the oil will no longer be in uk waters so the uk wont be able to undewrite their debt with it and yer credit ratings will deminish. rUK's fooked.
  14. With the banks then, all the ‘news’ that they will move if the U.K. leaves the Eu is irrelevant too ?

    (I should know more about the oil situation, but if I’m honest, I don’t know what affect Brexit will have on the oil industry. I work for a company that makes safety systems, predominantly for the oil and gas industry - but haven’t heard any news of brexit and its affect. )
  15.'s the thread that keeps on giving.....and will fora t least 2-5 years in reality.
    Aren't the options:
    Leave with a deal.....ummm yes this is leaving, we get to negotiate FT agreements with others while maintaining our EU trade other stuff. Anyone who thought the EU would give us a deal BETTER than being in...deluded!
    No deal....shit hits fan for a while, fan gets cleaned and life goes on....put your life on hold for 5 years
    Remain....will we have the deal we have now? Which has lots of special caveats and vetoes just for the uk? Who knows.

    Having had a month away on the other side of the planet and coming back just makes it look so silly. The only option is to leave with a deal. The whole process was run by a bunch of clowns who thought they had a hand full of aces....but actually weren't even in the game.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  16. and the oil will no longer be in uk waters
  17. hmm. Not sure about that. Seems she has been trying to appease the ERG mob more than the Remainers.
    There has been no real plan from day 1 in Government. Leavers within, honestly I dont think they were prepared. Some, like Bojo I think just wanted their moment in the limelight.
    The lack of direction or credibility from the Leave camp has been equally as poor as May and her one plan fits all. ALL have failed.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  18. There was one option you hadn't included.
    Leave on wto/free trade terms, this then aligns with the majority democratic vote but...use a year of the two year transition to make sure we wto/free trade smoothly. This would help the eu who will suffer more than us, as well as us thus reducing the turmoil that was always avoidable
    • Like Like x 1
  19. they are removing cash from the uk as we speak.
    brent is priced in dollars.
    • Agree Agree x 1
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