1200 DVT Tools - List

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Rusty Eyed, Mar 8, 2019.

  1. Hi guys,

    Has anyone around here actually listed all the tools we would need for our bike especially if you going to carry down a full strip down. I know the MTS is a mixed bag of alan keys and torx. Would anyone be kind enough to share their tools list


    @Administrator we could use this as a stickie and update the OP with the list of tools?
  2. The workshop manuals include details of special tools, but not general tools (have soft copies of these if needed - too large to share here). Do you mean for taking on the road or for your home toolkit?
  3. For home to take off panels and other parts of the bike for maintenance or modifications.
  4. For most things on mine I'd advise spending £15 on subscription for here and then nipping down to Halfords and getting (with the trade card you get for being a premium subscriber here) one of these:

    Screenshot 2019-03-08 at 13.17.26.png

    There's just about everything you'll need in there. Then spend @ £34.99 on an Oberon rear wheel socket (or a shallow 36mm socket) and breaker bar:

    Screenshot 2019-03-08 at 13.19.29.png

    You're a good way along the path with that little lot. TBH I have a Halfords Advanced 1/4 socket set and do 80%+ of all minor jobs just with that...

    Screenshot 2019-03-08 at 13.21.17.png

    as you can see, the premium subscription £15 is recovered very quickly.
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  5. Well I never knew that, thanks :)
  6. At least 10% off all purchases & once you set up the trade account (just some online details). You can simply tell the staff at a store you're a trade card holder & they'll search your postcode for it. Instead of carrying another card in your wallet.

    Well worth it to support the webby site/get rid of adverts & get saving plus it never runs out.
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  7. Had my money back using the card already.
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  8. Have a torque settings pdf file but don't seem to be able to link it to this page.

    Attached Files:

    • Thanks Thanks x 2
    • Useful Useful x 1
  9. Oh sorry yes it works.
  10. I have another few files with gearchange learning setup & full parts catalogue. Cannot fit parts cat on here as file too large. Navihalter fitting too.
  11. You can add a torque wrench to your list as well.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. Hi, do you not have to be trade qualified/ registered to use this card? Cheers
  13. Nope... just have a card! :)
  14. Got a card a year or so back andgot turned down at the shop as not registered. Have things changed?
  15. Really?
  16. Maybe one has to renew one's subscription? :)
  17. Yes!
  18. Did not renew subscription because of it, used the card to remove frost from car windscreen so not entirely without benefit but an expensive scraper none the less!

    Maybe it was the store but I turnedup, went to check out expected a discound and was declined because card was not registered. I was a bit miffed but assumed , incorrectly it would appear, the detail was in the small print.
    You guys just show the card and get the discount?
  19. Well if you check this post you'll see it's a legit scheme and if you have problems then perhaps a PM to @Rob or @El Toro could get the thing sorted out. It's a great scheme.
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