..so i have just downloaded this app. Reading the blurb ... Does this mean the police can potentially access this information? Food for thought?
I think this has been discussed before. Not sure what outcome was, surfice to say i'm not using it. I bet if you had a off & got hurt they would check everything including your phone.
Not that I know of, apart from very high performance cars that have datalogging I.e BMW M3 records how many launches the car has performed etc. But even then you cannot plug in and see what the car was doing for the last half hour for example. Some aftermarket ECU's have the facility but you pay extra for it.
"Does this mean the police can potentially access this information? Food for thought?" Exactly why I deleted the Ducati App. Yes they can get into the ECU as that is where the data is stored but that takes time and is expensive, easier to just look at your phone.
Good job you hav'nt got an Aprilia, They record lots of stuff on dash including fastest speed. Test rode one of the 1st Tuono v4's & got a right bollocking when I got back. Mech said you have done 138mph. Look as he scrolled through the dash. Time riden fastest speed. I pleaded the 5th.
You sure you are not getting confused between the black boxes the insurance company's stipulate for young drivers and ECU's??
Most sat navs record speed and time. Though not always that accurate... This was a screen grab off of my Garmin StreetPilot 2720 when I had the allegedly fastest VFR on the planet... it wasn't even red.