Are there any aircon engineers on here? I'd like to know if there are any regulation concerning the siting of an aircon unit in a domestic installation? We're about to move into a new house and it has an aircon unit on the decking, beneath the kitchen window. With a 3yr old boy, and another on the way I'm concerned about little fingers getting pokes into the fan etc. is the unit allowed to be sited there? Should it be raised out of harms way? What regs cover this if any- building/ part F etc. Any advice appreciated. matt
Don't know about the regs matt but it sounds like some fine chicken wire / mesh securely fastened would be a good idea.
I'm F gas licenced and tbh most of my work is on chillers and hot solvent recovery machines..... Most of the domestic units i have seen are floor mounted i have Worked on....shhhh dont tell the boss!!!
yep im a refrigeration / air-con engineer, you can buy an air con cage to put round it which screws to to wall, mostly we put them on wall brackets ( above head head) , so out of the way, but you will have to get someone in to do this, easy enough job (approx £150) , no real regs relate to this as will be under 3 kgs of gas, and siteing is floor or wall mount, kev
Cheers guys. As I'm a tenant (army quarter) I'd think that they'd have a duty of care to make sure that it was installed in a 'child friendly' manner. I know my kids are my responsibility, but you can't keep your eyes on them all the time. when I was a sparky all the units I wired in we're either on roofs or in their own enclosed space, out of the way. i sign for the house on Tuesday and will bring it up with them then. I feel they should at least have one of those cages around them.