Need stickers

Discussion in 'Wanted' started by Lucazade, Feb 27, 2013.

  1. Hi Guys,

    Need to repaint my tank, well bike as all or nothing, so would need few stickers made up.

    Could someone help out?

    Would need Ducati sticker in old style like on picture attached.
    58 like on picture
    Lucazade like made on this site and on picture
    All in red.


    Monster Mongrel
    ver 3.0

    Above no longer then 8 cm and no taller then 2cm in black or red.

    Any one can do it as want to send parts for painting?

    Cheers View attachment 12038
  2. Ebay full of ads for bespoke decals
  3. Hi Lucaz,

    I can get that all sorted for you. Do you want a price estimate first or just go ahead and start then bill you?
  4. I need them so start, pair of each.
  5. I still have the original images from when i done them for you before if its any use to you......
  6. Thx Anth, waiting for Cranker to get back to me. If anything will message you.
  7. No worries....I can email him the vector if you want so he can cut them exactly the same.

    Just let me know if you need them
  8. I can put mine on now :-D
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