'ello chaps, Am picking up my bike this week and was wondering what's the ideal van to hire? I'm looking at a Vauxhall Vivaro from Enterprise, will this be suitable? Thanks Ash
Ahhhh, excellent. I'm doubting the one from Enterprise is going to have any hooks etc? Ive bought straps from amazon, just not sure where I'll anchor them too. Any advice will be greatly appreciated.
They have strap tie downs all around the floor of the van - you are far better with handle bar straps...
Blossom meant these: https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https://www.ebay.co.uk/ulk/itm/181969704735
I've also used, to compliment the straps, a rag wrapped around the throttle grip then a wide zip tie to lock the front brake lever on.
Nice picture, I’m sure you had the ramp either securely fastened down or wrapped in something just in case some twerp does something stupid on the road which results in the ramp mating with bike, just a heads up to people securing the bike is brill but secure everything in the back of the van just as well, not been clever just pointing out.