British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

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  1. Clearly it affects rich people more with retirement plans and holiday homes in the EU :thinkingface: we have seen it on here many times :):upyeah:
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Funny Funny x 1
  2. her deal still relies on the eu still being the authorising body on leaving. As to the arbitration mentioned, it has no finite decision maker and can be tied in arbitration for years should a disagreement happen

    Today is the same as it was yesterday as legally, the house voted that unless a deal is agreed, then we leave on wto/free trade on the 29th
  3. So is it your opinion that the country will leave on WTO?
  4. this is absloutly the case. but any metion if it is greivence mongering.
    our press wont cover it or the impact on us up here in any real detail because of, the obvious.
  5. you have been noob'd. welcome to the club.
    • Funny Funny x 3
  6. Interesting
    • Funny Funny x 4
  7. He's like you fin. only see's what they want to see

    It largely depends on how you want to see the first few years fin? at least 3 or 4 of them will be the huge investment in setting up our own infrastructure that used to be done by the eu, so whilst money wise it will look like we spent more so borrowed more, it will be the cost of becoming indepenedent, funnily enough should scotland become independent, you also would have to invest fully in your own infrastructure, should we call that investment for independence or a recession?
    • Face Palm Face Palm x 1
  8. wto/free trade is the house of commons voted on legal default on the 29th. Nothing in Mays update I suspect, will see that change
  9. On Sly News this morning both guests,(remoaner & leaver),admitted that No Deal cannot be taken off the table,because the current law is quite explicit,
    we leave at 23.00hrs on the 29th March 2019,deal or WTO.
    Aside from that,the WTO boss has repeated that the UK & EU can continue to trade from that moment under it's current arrangement for however long it takes to come up with
    a bilateral trading agreement.
    Nothing needs to change until the change is agreed,it's written in black & white by all relevant parties.
    Why remoaners blind themselves to reality,in favour of some ludicrous fantasy of Armageddon is beyond me...if anything it displays the absolute determination of some people to make themselves miserable simply because they didn't get their own way.
    If her/the EU's crappy deal,(which is basically remaining),doesn't pass,the HoC can vote until it is blue in the face about wanting WTO off the table,but unless they pass a new law then they are goosed.
    And if she doesn't get her own way today,then an extension to Article 50 won't happen because the EU say there has to be an agreement in the offing for them to vote for it themselves.
    It's likely that Brussels will capitulate in order to get the extension,and more time to steal from our pockets/cook up another crock of shit.
    Otherwise,we are out on the 29th.
    • Like Like x 1
    • Useful Useful x 1
  10. up untill just not that long ago the cuntry was apparently skint. but now there is plenty. seems to me austerity was a choice rather than a necessity. no?
    yip, in an independent scotland that currently bank rolls many of the uk's infrostructure projects (look it up) and foreign policy but the tax is coillected elsewhere. i dont see it as a problem.
  11. In ten years time fin, you will be asking for indi 15 :D
  12. So you do expect the UK to leave on the 29th, under WTO. A simple Yes or No would be clear?
  13. hahahaha your memory is getting worse, which devolved government says..We are being starved of money by the U.K. government, going without, struggling etc etc and then in the next breath, under the snp we have the highest this, highest that, lowest this lowest that, make your mind up buddy, your behaving like pakistan
  14. Legally that is the position and I'd expect the government to abide by legality. Realistically, the remainers bluff has been called and after nearly 3 years I feel we will either leave with a clean break as asked for and wto/free trade or a deal worse than the one we have now and tied to europe indefinately. So I suspect parliament will try and find a way to do what they accuse may of doing and try and kick the can down the road.

    Perhaps this is the shockwave our politics needed?
  15. Whilst noob is figuring out the simple Yes or No , may I ask something?

    Do you believe that the question, "Do you expect the UK to leave on the 29th, under WTO?", bearing in mind the duplicity of the forces arrayed against real Brexit, has a simple answer?
    • Like Like x 1
  16. That wasn't what I asked. My question was to noob and specifically what he thinks will happen.

    In answer to your question define real Brexit, as opposed to acceptable Brexit and give your reasons in not more than 100 words.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  17. So you are hoping for WTO on the 29th, but not expecting it to happen. So a NO?
  18. I personally, looking at all the options, see wto and free trade as the only option that genuinely gives us the leave votes option of leaving the eu, it's controls and rules, I don't think that will surprise anyone

    I expect the remainers in the house of commons to try and find a way to stop this. I'd be surprised if anyone is falling for Mays pretend win but in todays politics, who knows?
  19. think about what you just said.
    our partial refund has been reduced by about 2bill annually over the last 10 years.
    any extra cash we raise comes from the limited tax powers we have. tho almost all of them we only recieve a population share of the more we make, you guys get 90% of. on the face of it, we are doing v,well, but by the time we pay the gate keeper......
    this list is v,long indeed.
    but projects that are deemed a "national infrostructre program" we pay a population share of. cross rail, HS2. trident, ect ect ect. there was no money for the queensferry crossing ect.
  20. I don’t think that travel will be a problem. You can get a visa to Mongolia if you ask. But you won’t be able to work in Europe very easily.

    When I came to Switzerland it was a similar story. Had I not got married to a Swiss I wouldn’t have been able to stay. Fortunately one of the reasons I wanted to stay, the main one, was to continue living with my girlfriend. So we got married. Same story for her in England. Before we got married she wasn’t allowed to work there.
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