I did think what I said and it stands fin, one minute the snp government are accusing others of under funding them and then the next saying they are financial rockstars and outperform any U.K. devolved or national parliament, make your mind up florence
Basically then - travel within the EU will still be possible after Brexit ? But if you want to stay and work there you will have to marry someone ?
"Real Brexit" is leaving the EU. Leaving the joint governmental institutions and jurisdictional authority, with regard to legislative processes, of the EU. This would entail having a similar relationship with the EU as any nation who is not a member of the EU, a member of the EEA, Switzerland or Canada. It's possible "Canada" represents "acceptable Brexit" but as it has never been on the table, I have not fully researched it. Stuff your 100-word limit : o ) You may now answer my question : o D
So you scammed the Immigration rules, like just Rep Ilhan Omar! Shame on you Glidd, I thought much better of you!
In it's most simplest of terms, it isn't a Scottish income in Scottish waters, it's a U.K. income in U.K. waters and if it was in Cornish waters then that also would be a U.K. income in U.K. waters
The question of expectation relates soley to what what an individual believes will actually happen; as opposed to what they might prefer or believe to be the correct from a legal or moral stance. The difficulty in decision arises from not knowing all the facts. Will the ERG vote in support of Mays deal because a failure to do so might mean a people vote and potentially a Remain result. Will the DUP abandon all their previously stated positions and support Mays deal? Much will depend on how well the new legal position is explained by Cox today. However no third party should reasonably expect to know all the facts in such a situation. There are three potential answers to the question "Do you expect the UK to leave on the 29th, under WTO? being Yes, no or I don't know. The answer to your question imo is that there is a simple answer, but it is not easy to know which will ultimately be correct. So now I will ask you, "Do you expect the UK to leave on the 29th, under WTO?
Written opinion from Cox re Mays latest shitty fudge. If you can only leave with someone elses agreement (permission) you cannot leave.., LOCK HER UP -in a mental home
but the banking and services sector is londons and the profits are a gift to rUK? how the money is raised isnt the issue, its how its spent. and how the uk uses the figures to keep those in their place. and that thing you keep talking about. democratic deficit.
Why will it matter if we’re not in it? We may just as well wish for changes in the Chinese Communist Party.
Please define the word, "expect" with regard to your intent. Could one substitute "predict", or would "require" be a better substitution? : o D
Require would generally be a preference; my requirement is, or demand, I require that. Predict in this instance would be the better substitution if one were to be made though it is not required.
Thanks. On the basis of your clarified question, I do not expect to see the UK leave the EU on 29 March. Either Art 50 will be extended, or somehow, the spineless slime molds in Parliament will vote in favour of Juncker's Withdrawal Agreement. Neither case represents a meaningful Brexit on 29 March.
Okay fin, I'll try wording it in a different way. In black and white, the Scottish people get more per person than almost the rest of the U.K.. Is your demand for more money based on you claiming that the oil and gas revenues are Scotlands and Scotlands only, even though they are in fact and legally, a U.K. resource?
tbh, we aint realy demanding more money as such, just more attonomy when it comes to tax and spend, and all the desicions taken around them including foreign policy.
fin, Scotland has more self raising taxes ability than the entirity of England and as to foreign policy, England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and wales all are treated the same way, they are taken care of by the U.K. government.
Assuming the WA gets voted down today Then No-deal removed tomorrow Then Cancelling Brexit totally Thursday What happens ? Do we just carry on as before (cheap mobile phone calls in the EU, Gap years in the EU, Free trade etc etc) ? Or do the EU decide if they'll let us stay ?