British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

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  1. Unless we leave without a deal as a direct result of not agreeing on a deal within a time frame of agreeing a deal .....I think
  2. The amount was not due to commitments, although we do have some - it was robbery...
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  3. What is the point in extending Article 50? If 24 months have not been enough to get some sort of agreement, 2-3 more won't make any difference.
    I cannot see any other option then "crashing out" and then try to do a deal from scratch with the EU and obvioulsy the rest of the world ASAP.
    Wondering why so noisy at 0:58 and then dead quiet when she mentioned that tomorrow there would be a No deal vote acceptance.
  4. I'm still not sure if a house vote tomorrow on removing the no deal option, actually legally removes the 29th no deal agreed so we go to no deal????

    2.38 -3.00 on that video above seems to suggest even if they vote no to no deal, it doesn't stop no deal happening

    As to the money, some is our share and committments under the 2 year membership continuation until the end of this financial budget period ending in December 2020, the rest of what it is for has been deliberately vague by the eu and U.K.
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  5. And we got no payment for all the infrastructure we have paid for :rolleyes:
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  6. Correct me if I am wrong (as I can be...)
    Cameron got back into power with one big promise to the people of the United Kingdom that he would negotiate better terms with the EU, or he would call for a referendum.

    1. EU said "Non!"
    2. Referendum said "Leave"
    3. Cameron runs for the hills in a "what have I done?" moment and we get a leader that WE didn't vote for
    4. UK government is not coming together to honour the decision and find a common way forward
    5. May is showing herself to be unfit to lead the UK

    Time for new management surely?
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  7. Well, I am suprised to say this but I agree with you. :)
    They just turned down the possibly best deal (considering the circumstances..), so if they vote for No deal not an option tomorrow, is rather contradictory?
    IMHO JC is "stirring" the shi't just for the sake of early elections.
  8. I think now May will accept that her deal is dead. Until tionight she seems to have genuinely thought it could pass. Future negotiations could be held on a different basis, with different proposals/ redlines.
  9. Of course he is, its his job!
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  10. Indeed, an even worse deal - No Deal is the right deal :):upyeah:
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  11. He has a cunning plan.
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  12. Don’t forget Jezza already has an alternate deal he’s agreed with the EU where we stay in the Single Market, keep alignment with all EU employment law and product law, allow the EU to negotiate our trade agreements with the rest of the world, guarantee all EU citizens rights, including free movement in the UK, pay contributions to theEU project, and have “influence” on the EU Government without any representation.

    The only thing it doesn’t provide is “Leave”!
    • Funny Funny x 3
  13. So you say - you could be right! wink-emoji.png
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  14. They are all snollygosters
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  15. The she either naive or ... _ .._ ._ _. .. _.. (don't even want to write it down in letters)
  16. I was right then, a cunning plan :)
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  17. How momentum first saw jezza


    Now, not so much

    • Funny Funny x 2
  18. A new one
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  19. That's the wrong language. Where I live it's more sort of "merde, merde"!
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  20. Strangely, she did. It even had "Crock of Noxious Shit" written on it but she seized hold of it with alacrity. It was even mused at the time that she had been a non-event in the Brexit campaigning in order to keep her powder dry so as to obtain the said crock.

    • Funny Funny x 1
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