St4s New Mirrors!

Discussion in 'Sport Touring' started by Harlequin, Mar 8, 2019.

  1. 064CAB9C-BEA4-4D64-A508-99173ED546B4.jpeg D6964AAD-3CF8-45CC-9067-283CB6CF057E.jpeg fitted the new mirrors today, which i got from a californian company.

    Look quite good on the bike - although prefer the design of the originals - but the extra rear view is great.

    Nicely made and a good fit.
    • Like Like x 1
  2. Yes I saw these on E Bay and they do look quite good.
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  3. I have a set going spare, if anyone's interested …
  4. Are they compatible with the st3 ?


  5. Only difference on st mirrors is the length on the black stem/arm which then means the springs will be different as well mounting holes are the same bolt size same 6mm hole pitch same glass same. Plus all st mirrors you can pop of the cover if you buy one on ebay so yellow can silver or red and so on
    you can swop lots of bits around will put up some photos of mirrors stripped

    over the st range ducati have used 3 types of mirror spring all not the same length

    #5 michael shannon, Mar 12, 2019
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2019
  6. Hi any import duty to pay from USA
    • Like Like x 1
  7. Hi Michael,

    Moto science is run by a nice guy called Henri, and really good service. He ships it to avoid duties.....

    Ref the mirrors, i might wish they were painted but the viz is terrific.
  9. If I send to any country out side uk the country you live it sets the duty not uk government I must put a custom document stating the value of item in the parcel so best to ask USPS ref a item at £17.00 uk pounds any import duty as the value is so low this end under £200 no export duty

    Over the years I have never neard back.for any usa eu Canada Australia say the where charged import tax

  10. Hi! Yes, I know this is an old post, but is there any chance of posting the name of the company you purchased the mirrors from? That woud be be SOOOOO helpful! Thanks
    #12 David Verizzo, Aug 17, 2024
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2024
  11. Hi sorry I didn't buy any mirror I have a few mirrors and black stems I might sell lots st mirror springs
  12. Hi, Michael! Not sure I understand what you have re Mirrors. I am looking for both left and right mirrors (OEM or equivalent) for a 1999 ST4 - the older fairing design using mirrors with longer stalks that later ST's. Do you have what I'm looking for? If so, how much and how much to ship to USA zip 34243. Oh.. and color doesn't bike is Anthracite, but no problem to repaint mirrors.

    Thanks much, David
  13. Good morning
    Let's chat ref st mirrors have you any parts for your st mirrors
    here is my email I am in the uk
    [email protected]
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