Although these gigs sound super exciting, how long are the bikes away? Someone told me 5 months. Is this correct? Surely if ~150 UK track bikes are away all this time it's got to negatively impact the trackday operators. Both home and euro stuff. I hear the euro trackday scene is a bit quiet at the moment. But no wonder if every fuckers bike is on the high seas... What do we reckon? And spare me any Brexit theories...
I have seen lads rocking up at track days with an identical pair of bikes. Like over 40 grands worth wtf do they tell their wives? They must just let them see one at a time
I am one of those guys, my bird thinks I have only three bikes but then again, she also thinks I am a nice honest gentleman. Family get togethers are often a bit tense, particularly if there is any danger of having to swerve around the ex-wife who is poised at a moment's notice to shatter the illusion!
Weddings, christenings etc. No funeral yet though, sadly! Luckily she is on a different continent and about to move even further away. Still not far enough though.
She didn't get any, she was all about the cash which meant liquidating everything and dividing. She very nearly killed the goose though, such was her belligerance but in my mind it was a price worth paying. Now when ever she gets wind of anything I may or may not have, her lawyer gets in touch with a polite request (we split in 2011). Hence the current little lady can remain rather less well informed!
I'm giving Pacedayz a call this afternoon, to see what they are offering in Cartagena from recommendation via @Advikaz
Spent the last 8 Christmases, Easter and summer holidays with my estranged wife (not divorced so I’m still European)
Got a feeling that the euro trips will be busier this year given the price hikes in the UK dates and the consistently shite weather. There’s much more o-toons available for the euro trip than there was say 3 years ago with the amount of new TDOs doing euros
Estranged or strange? If you fancy a bit of diversification, I'll ping you my ex's contact details. Caveat emptor though, she doesn't look anything like Yana or Karine!
Australia was 4 months, over winter, so no real hassle. Sepang drop off is ~Nov 20, so that’ll be 3 months. So all depends on whether you ride or do TD’s over peak winter months to the amount of inconviemce.
Philip Island was mid October drop-off, collect next weekend. I have to say it was the best event I have ever attended. Mainly because of the totally awesome track. I did not book Sepang, but Japan sounds interesting, any idea which track?
If in the new members section a lawyer from France says hello .....I say we ban him first....the Ducati shiply thing I had with the court case the dirty underhand piece of shit legal bastard and those cock end fucking Bradford Ducati things are as good as one another...fucking turds