Wait what!!! usa has got a triple A under Trump????? don't tell em in the Trump thread, they will go bat shit crazy
So is it good or bad the EU looks after the farmers? I assume same protection would cover the UK sheep farmers...
As long as you pay the protection money and the eu wacks up tariffs of non member farmers then you can see the attraction but as the article shows, money for the eu and the farmers, doesn't always mean the best deal for the customer through artificially high priced products. If we are now in a position were 50% of Irish beef exports will face tariffs on every ounce if it comes into the U.K., I'm sure the eu will look after them, Varadkar knows what he's doing I'm sure the 76% of the U.K.'s beef imports that happen to come from the (eu)republic, will find others willing to take up the slack, south america apparently and new zealand can see new U.K. opportunities https://www.independent.ie/business...-dependence-on-ireland-for-beef-37614229.html
This will cheer everyone. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/uk-po...t-will-self-and-mark-francois-in-tv-stare-off
You haven’t got anything that isn’t 3 years out of date by any chance? I didn’t look to see if Dyson is on that list. I assume he was. One less opinion we need to take into account.
do you think the 1.2 trill in capital tranfered from here to there might go somewhere towards offsettng it?
I think it's been put off shore to edge their bets fin, as most decent investment and financial companies would. I have no issue with that. You think companies in Scotland wouldn't do the same if Scotland left the U.K. and then gave up independence to join the eu? Of course they would you silly sausage
You sure your clicking on my link? the first group on that link is 26 Feb 2019 .....have you bought one of Diane's abicus's hmm? 2019 isn't your chip and pin dude, it's a year, this one. Crazy swiss
And more on the tariffs by the Guardian. It's not exactly that gloomy a picture other than business needing to find out what tariffs apply to their goods. Short time frame perhaps but again not really impossible as if you import 1000's of similar components / products the commodity codes will be the same. https://www.theguardian.com/politic...d-how-do-they-affect-the-prices-consumers-pay 12 months of practicall zero tariffs while we try and get our shit together......we need new people in charge (no jezza not you)
Well derrr, off shore is the hint fin, the money would get wet otherwise, luv ya fin but don't ever do finance Investing money overseas is all the rage fin ...Boom https://foe.scot/press-release/revealed-scottish-council-pensions-are-backing-fracking-overseas/ https://www.european-services-strat...rivate-finance-public-infrastructure-projects