He seems to speak a lot of sense, who is he? If he's upset 1 of the 27 enough there won't be an extension
Fin I've always read your stuff, even though most of it has me in hysterics. Blackwood did his usual "aye Scotland is a victim and no one will stop a scotland in europe" kinda giving the game away that Scottish indepence if won, will be shortlived. Anyhoo...don't you have the bbc parliament channel which is available on freeview 232, freesat 201 ?
I reckon he would think it was a pretty poor showing to only upset 1 out of 27. He's been doing his damnedest to upset all of them for years. What was that about wankpuffins?
No mate. No Deal is Dead. It is the worst possible outcome for the both the EU and for the UK ... so they won't let it happen.
mate, yer always behind the times, i watched it several hours ago. i am part of something that encompasses left to right, pro leave and remain. nationals from all over and everywhere. i here them all. v, rarely do i see the amateurish pish i see put forward by him and his. anyhoo. blackford with some good interventions. https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=410296526388472
I don’t think we should accept the vote on no deal. There was only 4 votes in it, and it’s been nearly 2 hours since the vote - some of them are old and, sadly, may no longer be with us. The younger ones that take their place might not be deaf and can hear what the constituents are saying so they should re-do the vote.
@noobie No offence Noobs, but is this a good time to say how much I hate your avatar? Having that supercilious little child look at me all evening is enough to turn me into a baby strangler. Out of all the possible avatars, really, is that the one you genuinely want to have? Is it a just reflection of the fine upstanding man you are?
yip, and if the others fought as hard, asked the same questions and raised the same issues, represented their constituents in a similar fashion, do yo think brexit would of happened? dinna worry half the country know how and where to look.