You sort of wonder why all these people (rather better informed than the general populace) are so keen on remaining. Do they know something you don’t?
Aww that's cute, once they see your happy sense of humor, they will come a flocking I reckon. They might end up taking prozac rather than the pill but hey, different folks different strokes an all that
Can't see that being a problem, Scots have had a vote, the U.K. has had a vote, makes sense the N.I. might have a vote, I doubt Wales will want one but hey if they want one, why not.
They are mostly people who are afraid of change because they are happy in their bubble and rarely think beyond themselves, in the old days they would have driven a biege british leyland princess
It did make me laugh, though only later I realised it had mentioned unicorns. This too made me laugh: Though it’s not as well thought out.
I know you trot it out again and again but I’m still at a loss as to why you think it is crystal that a vote for Leave was unequivocally a vote for No Deal and any form of soft Brexit is a betrayal? Quite apart from the latest polls and the recent votes of many Leavers in Parliament against No Deal, I personally know many people who have told me they voted Leave but are dead set against No Deal ... so it evidently isn’t true. Then again the way the tide is turning, extremist views like yours are now pretty much irrelevant - so should I really waste my time worrying about it? Both rhetorical questions by the way ... your replies don’t interest me to be honest ... I’m just making a point