British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

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    • Funny Funny x 2
  1. Maybot says alot of things. I can't think of a single one that has turned out to be true. Though there was that one time she made a Freudian slip "Coalition of Chaos".

    View attachment 149009
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  2. May is one of the experts we should be listening to.
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  3. There is so much to unpack here.

    I've got time and I look forward to the responses.

    WTF is an 'extreme remainer'? It sounds made up.

    An illegally funded campaign (with unknown funding sources) that has publicly admitted it lied to the voters. Examples available on request.

    What was the route taken by the EU that will 'end poorly'? Specific examples please as my unicorn brain cannot think of any.

    An illegally funded campaign (with unknown sources) that has publicly admitted it lied to the voters. Examples available on request.

    Sounds like people can talk themselves into anything. Nobody quits a job with a good benefit package for no alternative arrangement over 'beliefs'. That sort of move is financially irresponsible.

    According to your argument there 'needs' (not optional) to invest heavily post-Brexit to try and maintain our current standard of living. And something about hedge funds such as Somerset Capital opening new funds in the UK post-Brexit? (*cough* Dublin)

    Third largest after Germany, France and Italy. How can every member state take out more than they put in?

    Britain would never be able to compete with the EU at trade. The EU knows what it wants (according to you). Trading with the rest of the world will not be as good as trading tariff free with our EU neighbours. We will be negotiating from a position of weakness.

    The EU was far from perfect, but at what point did any UK govt try to engage and make positive change? The UK government has always sent it's B-team to Brussels. It's been treated as a dumping ground to send the bigots and unelectable (Farage). Amazingly, these people have been unable to be truly effective as they treat the European Parliament like the fourth season of "The New Statesman".

    Better to be on the inside p*ssing out etc...

    I'm on the remain side as I have not heard a single argument that shows how we would be better off leaving than remaining.

    I also think we should be part of a larger 'power bloc' / 'sphere of influence' as the US, China and Russia all benefit from a weaker and fragmented Europe. Eff those guys. :)
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. Really? Are you going to explain why you think May is an Expert (at anything)?
    • Funny Funny x 1
  5. I was just pointing out that we are often told we should listen to the experts telling us why remain is best.
    May surely is included in that group, she is PM.
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. Re the post above Jez's. Wahooo! I'm booking a ringside seat. This could knock the Noobie v Fin match off the front page. ;)
    • Funny Funny x 1
  7. @Alan williams can defend himself I'm sure, but I interpreted his post as satire.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  8. People who say this kind of thing - that's am extreme remainer - and someone who is still on the remain side when they lost the referendum in 2016 - get over it FFS (oh and most of Parliament too - they are extreme remainers)

    I am very please to be able to clear that up for you :):upyeah:
    #28429 Exige, Mar 16, 2019
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 16, 2019
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    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. It's OK, I have nipped it in the Bud :):upyeah:
    • Funny Funny x 2
  10. ps he is either employed by Finm or is Finm with a slightly better spell check :eyes:
    • Funny Funny x 2
  11. So you think that May is an "Expert" because she became Leader of the Conservatives? Do you also think that everyone should listen to people who claim themselves to be experts? Are all leaders of political parties now experts?
  12. 'EXPERT' = 'X' is an unknown quantity and 'Spurt' is a drip under pressure.
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  13. My original post was satire or an attempt at it.

    I don’t think they are experts personally, but I often hear people say - listen to the politicians and experts, they nearly all think we should remain. Which is why I made the silly comment.

    The problem I find with experts is that they mainly seem to give advice that benefits them in some way.
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  14. It would do to you, but had you read many of the posts instead of just getting your jolly's on at seeing your own emboldened print, then you would know and would not need to ask, but I sense a lack of " i need to read more before I post" from you so I'll do my best to fill your gaps

    I hope Loz doesn't mind me using his explanation
    Extreme Remainer - Someone who seeks to ensure that the UK remains in the EU despite the democratic result, no matter what.
    Remainer - Someone who voted to remain in the EU in the Referendum and who accepts the democratic result.
    Leaver - Someone who voted to leave the EU in the Referendum and who demands acceptance of the democratic result.
    Extreme Leaver - Someone who voted to leave the EU in the Referendum and who demands acceptance of the democratic result.

    On the first part, how can it be illegally funded if you do not know where the money has come from, you do realise that you are making this up? Both sides told their own version, it was upto voters to decide what to put on the tick box

    Do you have that question in English please?

    Yes, you've said that already, you are as silly the second time as you were the first

    I think this is in relation to the point I raised that for some, not everything is about money and higlighted very well paid jobs see some leaving them wanting a better life, more money does not always mean a better life

    It's at this point I'm starting to suspect you are a member with a second account or have swallowed the echo chamber dictionary.

    My point in investment was, no matter what and whatever we end up with, new investment will be needed as our proceedures normally taken control of by the eu, will now move to the U.K. and that will require funding. So that part has to happen no matter what the result is.

    As to the usual jrm fund in dublin, you do not mention a single other bank or financial institution doing the same, could there be a reason why you have focused in on him whilst ignoring others?:D

    I'm now wondering if you are in fact Diane Abicus? Even ignoring the real fact we have been the second largest contributor to the eu and for many years, Can I ask how we can be the third largest as you claim if there are, as you claim, three other countries in front of us?

    I never said every state takes out more than they put in, I said two thirds did,


    It can compete in the world market alongside the eu but not in the way you have interpreted it, I'm seeing a pattern with your posts. The U.K. would have full access to the world market in the very same way that the other 160 plus countries that are not in the eu

    I'd agree the B team was sent but for the negotiations. When you have senior eu officials saying in 2016 and now as eu elections approach that something needs to change within the eu and have not done a single thing to change it in 3 years, you tend to think they have been telling some folk , porkies

    I wonder if you have a fetish for that same piss coming back at you when the eu tells the above porkies and the winds of change, do not?

    Your posts so far on this matter, would suggest you stopped listening once you had heard what you wanted to hear, could be wrong, but in print it suggest I'm closer to the truth

    This is the bit you seem to be confused about the most, one minute it's a trading block, then a military block and then a political block. Most brexiteers suggest that had the eu project stayed as an economic and trade block, then brexit would never have arisen.

    Anyway how can the european project be weakened without the U.K.??? Macron, junker, verhofstadt all say that isnt the case, they wouldn't lie would they?

    I'd love to know if your ip matches another members ;)
    #28435 noobie, Mar 16, 2019
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2019
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  15. Very Shadowy goings on here :thinkingface:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  16. well I thought it was satirical :confused:.
    • Agree Agree x 2
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  17. noob, where does your energy and willingness come from that you commit to these Care in the Community projects?
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  18. Window lickers is the PC term :yum:splat:
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  19. Brilliant! I haven't smiled so much in days. I especially enjoyed the misinterpretations you performed to maintain face.

    For my benefit, what sort of Brexiter are you? No-Deal (or full fat), negotiated exit, but not WA (Not telling you flavour), or WA (coke zero)?

    If you could explain pretty please how we will be better off (in tangible terms) post-Brexit, pick a flavour, I'd really appreciate it.
    • Funny Funny x 2
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