I didn't miss your point, I corrected your inaccuracy. Article 50 set the date of the divorce, not the marriage. You're welcome
Counter; https://www.theguardian.com/busines...uk-enters-worst-period-since-financial-crisis https://www.ft.com/content/fe9bf880-0f60-11e9-acdc-4d9976f1533b (headline..Brexit uncertainty is driving cuts in transport and machinery spending..) https://www.cnbc.com/2018/11/01/bre...gn-investment-into-the-uk-new-study-says.html https://www.marketwatch.com/story/b...tors-outside-of-the-uk-should-care-2019-01-14 https://edition.cnn.com/2018/12/31/economy/brexit-2019-recovery-recession/index.html https://edition.cnn.com/2018/11/28/economy/brexit-economic-impact/index.html ** 30 year investment strategy. Would think even the most chronic of Brexits, 20-30 years should see a good recovery. Probably will have been back in the EU for ten years.
I listed two to highlight, hell if you want me to go pages, it's a simple do but again you are missing the point. The vote was by the people and not multinationals, it's our last voice in a democracy. nb I have mentioned the ft before, ft links take you straight to their subscription page and not a single article
Thats why I put the headline in, to help tbh, we can go in circles with the whole links thing. MOST of them on both sides after thorough investigating will have a slant anyway. So, we shall just return to democracy then. 1 vote. Remind me, how many votes will there have been on Mays deal with what looks like this next one?
vote 1 was refused by I think 230 majority, vote 2 used the rules but took the piss as it had the tiniest of changes that wasn't really changes but I think that was around 149? ish majority for no. Currently, vote 3 isn't guaranteed, I suspect no one will know till the last minute because if she thinks she's still hasn't the numbers, she might just go straight to the eu for an extension to avoid loosing 3 times.
They really must get things sorted https://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-b...s-eu-seasonal-workers-stay-away-idUKKCN1QZ06R
Is now a good time to mention the eu introduced the euro in 1999 and still they have some eu countries not transitioned into it 20 years later they still haven't sorted out just the currency, but in a few years, U.K. plc will be ready to rip the world a new one. I'd say when it comes to time tables, it makes our brexit time table look like an express rocket baby, oh yeah
You've got to love Bercow. May is franticaly bribing people when she can't bring her motion again anyway.
So you've set the date of the divorce without agreeing on who gets the cat, what days you have the kids, who gets which CDs and DVDs and all the other junk in the house? Congratulations on agreeing with me.
Au Contraire my dear Antione, lets check that timeline because at the moment, you got 99 problems but accuracy aint one well derrr, of course you would set the divorce date first, your wife would be suspicious if you started divvying up the cat, kids, cd's, dvd's and junk in the house and didn't know why? What kind of relationships do you get in son?