British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

Results are only viewable after voting.
  1. The petition has cleared 1.25 mill. ..down for maintenance. As in, crashed again.
    • Drama Queen Drama Queen x 2
    • Funny Funny x 1
  2. When it gets up to 16M or so, it will match the losing vote in the referendum.

    I for one am excited at the prospect,
    • Funny Funny x 4
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  3. The interesting fact, is that the site has had the most hits ever in the shortest time. All thanks to May. Be interesting to see the real number without the site being down for prolonged periods. Seems she is doing a great job :upyeah:
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. did I mention Trump not coming to the U.K. got 1.8 million? just checking :p

    Do you think jb she might just have thought, fuck em, lets piss em off then they won't vote for my deal next week, we won't get the extension and out Friday?

    • Like Like x 2
    • Funny Funny x 1
  5. Sorry, forgot you prefer opinions only.
  6. Wasn't that put forward by the remainers AFTER THEY LOST Dave and not before?

    I know you like emboldened and big type
    #28887 noobie, Mar 21, 2019
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2019
    • Funny Funny x 1
  7. But they are people who think like you, so their opinion stinks quite frankly - and they are still a minority :blush::upyeah:
  8. A bit like a premature ejaculation then? a lot of noise in a very short spurt and unable to cross the finish line? I can see why your excited :D
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. This won’t do well as it requires a level of cognitive thinking and curiosity beyond the large majority of Brexiteers. However, if they embed the link in a Facebook meme I’m sure it stands a chance of winning!
    • Like Like x 1
  10. I see the evil sturgeonator is out to ignore the Referendum results again.... keep asking the public to vote until she gets the result she wants.
  11. She's a limp lettuce. She's just appeasing her own home audience and trying to look relevant. She needs approval from the U.K. government, if she doesn't get it, the eu won't touch her with a barge pole until it's legal as they demonstrated with Catalonia.

    Still it keeps the contributions coming in.
  12. it doesn't actually. but nice bit of trolling all the same, I guess it keeps your post count up. there is no similarity between Catalonia/Spain and the uk/Scotland.
    its a union, have you forgotten your idols words last week and repeated during the debates?
    anyhoo, dinna stress, you will be quids in soon enough.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. The current revoke government petition at 01.28 this morning was at 2,232,118 signatures, I'll put the official link up so you can see a few things

    Just below the number of signatures, there is a map option shown as , show on a map. This allows you to see where the in the U.K., votes are coming from.

    Scroll a bit more down the page and you'll see who created the petition and when this particular petition will cease

    Just below that you will see

    Now if you click on that link to get data from the petition from that you can see peoples names and rough locations.
    for no particular reason, I pulled two examples out to show
    "mp":"Rt Hon David Mundell MP","signature_count":1780},{"name":"Dundee East","ons_code""S14000015"
    "Buckingham","ons_code":"E14000608","mp":"Rt Hon John Bercow MP","signature_count":2749},

    so far so good but when you look at the at the rest of the pages you will see these, all entered on the petition, see if you can see anything odd :D

    [{"name":"Afghanistan","code":"AF","signature_count":4},{"name":"Albania","code":"AL","signature_count":3},{"name":"Algeria","code":"DZ","signature_count":3},{"name":"Andorra","code":"AD","signature_count":11},{"name":"Angola","code":"AO","signature_count":3},{"name":"Anguilla","code":"AI","signature_count":5},{"name":"Antigua and Barbuda","code":"AG","signature_count":5},{"name":"Argentina","code":"AR","signature_count":25},{"name":"Armenia","code":"AM","signature_count":1},{"name":"Australia","code":"AU","signature_count":2560},{"name":"Austria","code":"AT","signature_count":662},{"name":"Azerbaijan","code":"AZ","signature_count":5},{"name":"Bahrain","code":"BH","signature_count":19},{"name":"Bangladesh","code":"BD","signature_count":5},{"name":"Barbados","code":"BB","signature_count":11},{"name":"Belarus","code":"BY","signature_count":2},{"name":"Belgium","code":"BE","signature_count":1257},{"name":"Belize","code":"BZ","signature_count":4},{"name":"Bermuda","code":"BM","signature_count":71},{"name":"Bhutan","code":"BT","signature_count":2},{"name":"Bolivia","code":"BO","signature_count":1},{"name":"Bonaire/St Eustatius/Saba","code":"BQ","signature_count":1},{"name":"Bosnia and Herzegovina","code":"BA","signature_count":5},{"name":"Botswana","code":"BW","signature_count":15},{"name":"Brazil","code":"BR","signature_count":69},{"name":"British Antarctic Territory","code":"BAT","signature_count":1},{"name":"British Indian Ocean Territory","code":"IO","signature_count":1},{"name":"British Virgin Islands","code":"VG","signature_count":9},{"name":"Brunei","code":"BN","signature_count":8},{"name":"Bulgaria","code":"BG","signature_count":119},{"name":"Burkina Faso","code":"BF","signature_count":1},{"name":"Burma","code":"MM","signature_count":6},{"name":"Burundi","code":"BI","signature_count":2},{"name":"Cambodia","code":"KH","signature_count":16},{"name":"Cameroon","code":"CM","signature_count":2},{"name":"Canada","code":"CA","signature_count":1588},{"name":"Cayman Islands","code":"KY","signature_count":33},{"name":"Chad","code":"TD","signature_count":1},{"name":"Chile","code":"CL","signature_count":22},{"name":"China","code":"CN","signature_count":71},{"name":"Colombia","code":"CO","signature_count":26},{"name":"Congo","code":"CG","signature_count":1},{"name":"Congo (Democratic Republic)","code":"CD","signature_count":1},{"name":"Costa Rica","code":"CR","signature_count":4},{"name":"Croatia","code":"HR","signature_count":26},{"name":"Cuba","code":"CU","signature_count":3},{"name":"Curaçao","code":"CW","signature_count":1},{"name":"Cyprus","code":"CY","signature_count":237},{"name":"Czechia","code":"CZ","signature_count":314},{"name":"Denmark","code":"DK","signature_count":715},{"name":"Djibouti","code":"DJ","signature_count":1},{"name":"Dominica","code":"DM","signature_count":1},{"name":"Dominican Republic","code":"DO","signature_count":4},{"name":"East Timor","code":"TL","signature_count":3},{"name":"Ecuador","code":"EC","signature_count":8},{"name":"Egypt","code":"EG","signature_count":25},{"name":"Estonia","code":"EE","signature_count":42},{"name":"Eswatini","code":"SZ","signature_count":2},{"name":"Ethiopia","code":"ET","signature_count":4},{"name":"Falkland Islands","code":"FK","signature_count":4},{"name":"Fiji","code":"FJ","signature_count":4},{"name":"Finland","code":"FI","signature_count":377},{"name":"France","code":"FR","signature_count":10563},{"name":"French Guiana","code":"GF","signature_count":11},{"name":"French Polynesia","code":"PF","signature_count":1},{"name":"Gabon","code":"GA","signature_count":1},{"name":"Georgia","code":"GE","signature_count":8},{"name":"Germany","code":"DE","signature_count":4669},{"name":"Ghana","code":"GH","signature_count":9},{"name":"Gibraltar","code":"GI","signature_count":1293},{"name":"Greece","code":"GR","signature_count":433},{"name":"Grenada","code":"GD","signature_count":4},{"name":"Guadeloupe","code":"GP","signature_count":4},{"name":"Guatemala","code":"GT","signature_count":2},{"name":"Guernsey","code":"GG","signature_count":207},{"name":"Guinea-Bissau","code":"GW","signature_count":1},{"name":"Hong Kong","code":"HK","signature_count":500},{"name":"Hungary","code":"HU","signature_count":121},{"name":"Iceland","code":"IS","signature_count":44},{"name":"India","code":"IN","signature_count":56},{"name":"Indonesia","code":"ID","signature_count":28},{"name":"Iran","code":"IR","signature_count":2},{"name":"Ireland","code":"IE","signature_count":1813},{"name":"Isle of Man","code":"IM","signature_count":262},{"name":"Israel","code":"IL","signature_count":43},{"name":"Italy","code":"IT","signature_count":1231},{"name":"Jamaica","code":"JM","signature_count":18},{"name":"Japan","code":"JP","signature_count":275},{"name":"Jersey","code":"JE","signature_count":247},{"name":"Jordan","code":"JO","signature_count":5},{"name":"Kazakhstan","code":"KZ"

    I deliberately put all the information available direct from the petition page and NOT a news paper article so people can see for themselves just by checking themselves :D
    • Useful Useful x 1
  14. This was in the sky news article about the petition

    A total of 960,000 signatories claim to be from the UK, followed by France (8,300), Spain (4,600) and Germany (3,700).
    • Agree Agree x 1
  15. wow, honorable and Mundel in the same sentence. ferk me, you guys are mad. and with noobs post, a lil sad too.
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