British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

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  1. Are we as bad as the MPs? We know what we don’t want, but what/who do we want?
  2. A time machine ?

    Straight after the referendum apply article 50 and start planning for leaving WTO.

    Or do you mean in parliament, that I’m not sure on. Green Party perhaps :thinkingface:
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. I will never vote Tory (or Labour) in the future. I will next vote for one of the smaller, Brexit parties.
    If the Tories and Labour are still relevant after the next GE, I will give up voting all together.

    If you are a Remainder, I cannot see how you can vote for anyone but the LibDems in future. I hate them with a passion but at least they are consistently awful (rather than lyingly, deceitfully, sneakily, miserably awful).
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  4. Do you prefer Nigels ex or his soon to be party? Kipper one or two?
    • Funny Funny x 1
  5. It depends.

    if we believe the remainers standard, democracy is continual voting, then we can ask for brexit again
    If you believe the snp's standard of that's it for a generation, we can ask for it again in 2 months :D
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  6. I'm looking into the SDP at the moment. Not convinced they are the answer yet but the haven't made too many wrong noises in recent years. They appear to have re-invented themselves as a Brexit party but it's early days.

    Not looking at UKIP, they look to be somewhat self-destructive. Their linkage with Tommy Robinson (that isn't his real name, didyaknow?) is equal parts disturbing and intriguing. I don't believe they will be a force without Farage leading them.

    I know of "the Brexit Party" but not much about them. I need to correct that asap.

    Other flavours are available, I guess. Sigh.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  7. To be honest I hadn't heard any noises from them for quite sometime - good or bad! I looked them up, some ex Kipper is an MEP. Thanks I will look keep an eye out for them.

    No Income Tax for the under 21's to compensate them for not going to University is a new one on me...
  8. I shall be voting for 'The I Told You So Party'.

    The alternative is 'The What Did You Expect Party?'.
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  9. [​IMG]
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  10. I can work with a small amount of crazy.
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  11. The main political parties are damaged goods, have been for a while.
    Doesnt leave much choice, maybe coalition is the way forward. Seems to work in Europe 'mostly'. Tory and Labour could not deal with it though. The DUP backhander deal has been disgusting. Anything to maintain power. Will never vote tory again and cant vote for Corbyn...
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  12. I will never vote Tory again, never voted Labour and never will.
    To be honest this debacle has made me think a lot more about what I stand for in politics. I used to vote Tory more by habit than anything else.
    Who I vote for is the worrying thing as they are all self serving scum.
    I should imagine a few new parties will be born as there are 17.4 million votes out there for the taking.
    This has given the political landscape in our country a much needed shake up, hopefully the Tories and Labour get decimated!
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  13. I hope you are right but then I remember how terminally lazy and apathetic people are.

    Prove me wrong, folks!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  14. You’d hope the last 2-3 years would have opened everyone’s eyes
    • Agree Agree x 1
  15. [​IMG]
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  16. I wonder

    The vote to leave the eu was 17,410,742 and to remain within it 16,141,241

    If it went to a second vote and remain won say at 15 million (could be any number as it's unlikey to exceed 17.4 million), How do you think people would feel who voted leave at 17.4 million and how would it be justified?
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  17. The number of votes is irrelevant in my view.

    If a democratic vote isn’t acted upon, how can any other democratic vote be more valid?
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  18. Just looking at news about the people’s vote March.

    One mp tweeted this :


    I like his hashtag “PutinToThePeople”
    • Funny Funny x 3
  19. Currently, Twitter is alight with amongst other things, the news that the EU agreeing an A50 extension means that EU Law takes precedence over UK Law and therefore March 29 will not, in fact be Brexit Day but will be a normal day in the European Union.

    I suspected a move from somewhere and now I know what that move is. I suggest that this is a toe-in-the-water exercise cooked up between the MayBot and her EU handlers. If the people of the UK don't erupt over this and rebel, it means that the next phase of Remaining in the EU is safe to proceed.

    Brexiteers being out-played at every turn by true professionals. You have to admire that level of gamesmanship (whilst puking your guts at how sickening it all is).
    • Agree Agree x 1
  20. been sniffing the mercury again?
    but i do get the amature and brexiteer comparisons right enough.
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