I have just come back from a blast on the 1098R and managed to figure out the traction control. It turns out that at 12°c outside and on a cold road surface, the back end will slide on exit at level 4 before it kicks in and corrects. It also turns out that the tc is a bit agricultural so when it steps in, if you are not quite ready for it and holding on properly, it’ll throw your feet off the pegs! Doing it again tomorrow to learn to ride it before Donington in a week or so. Yes, I know I need to clean it!
someone can have my lights for a steal!! they will be for sale soon... my chair is the one besides the bottle of bulmers!!
Unleashed the Beeza after a week of fettling, gentle bimble intended got about 3 miles up the road, bang, back end dancing all over the place rear puncture ! Found a nearby layby, lucky my eldest son lives close ten minutes later in the back of his Van and homeward bound. The valve had ripped off the tube, cheap shite Thailand crap, any how sourced a nice new heavy off road tube in the village so she is back up together now fully inflated. Fooked my day up, so the Hinckley Bonnie gets an airing tomorrow with my boy, planning on a coffee break at the Owl's Nest, LLandovery in the morning, anyone about ?