Detailing spray

Discussion in 'Clothing, Gadgets & Equipment' started by Desmo Pete, Apr 6, 2012.

  1. Is there a spray/foam that you can use on a clean bike for a bit of extra shine or instant cleaning??

  2. Dodo juice Red-Mist is good for adding some extra shine
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  3. [​IMG]

    This stuff is great, if used after using Super Resin Polish
  4. Mr Sheen shines umpteen things clean...
  5. SDOC gel
    Spray on leave for a bit then rinse off, job done, if really grubby then a rub with a sponge will do a treat.
  6. Autoglym Instant Shine spray works for me...
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  7. +1 :upyeah:
  8. Best detailing spray I've experienced after trying many.

  9. I like the meguires stuff :smile:
  10. +1

    I use it on everything!
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  11. Pledge , its cheap and it works
  12. any of the quick detailing sprays should give you a decent result.
    megs range is available nationwide in halfords (along with various others) but buying online is much cheaper!

  13. +1 on that, speed detailer is the tits, i've never washed my 848 conventionally in the 2 years + that i've owned it. 100% recommended
  14. Motul Wash'n'Wax is good. I use detail sprays on my car but use the Motul stuff every day in the workshop. It will also remove the bugs and chain lube etc. in one op. Polish up with a microfibre and all's good. I'd put a good quality wax on the bike at the beginning of the season then detail through out.
  15. Megs for me as well, Up to something like £300 worth of there kit now. Works a treat on the car and the bike
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