The eu largely refused ttip because it was the first partner they had nearly dealt with that was more powerful than then and the commissioners did not like that And there eu chlorinated washed mixed salads, fruit and nuts but shhhhhh and ffs don'r mention the horse meat from ireland and the posionous meat from poland
Macron and the yellow vests isn't exactly setting the world standards of oh yeah that's the right way to do it
Nothing wrong with a nice bit of paardenvlees or viande chevaline, but mislabelled goods are a no no!
if I mind right TTIP was one of the reasons used to get out of the EU as it would give to much power to American corporations. now its to be embraced... chlorinated chicken is necessitated due to poor standards in animal husbandry to cut costs that will undercut our home grown industry. currently GM crops are banned up here which contributes to the high value and reputation of our (up here) home Brand.
It's not unusual for one country to ban foods from another, America has a list of foods it bans from the eu.
I don't think the eu send their chlorinated salads to the us, nor do they send Scottish salmon or haggis amongst other things
aye, they loves a trade war they do. another good reason for the scots to embrace Brexit and seek support from the US. its not like there's more than a handful working in those two areas.
You do realise it was EU regulations that caught that and limited it to something like 6 horses? I keep saying to you to stop undermining good arguments with bad arguments but you just don’t get it do you? And people speculate about the intelligence of some Brexiteers? There are good arguments for Brexit, stick to those