British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

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  1. It’s impossible to learn anything from someone who bases everything they think and say on belief as opposed to fact
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Funny Funny x 1
  2. so no answers then, okay no worries :D
  3. no chlorine or fluoride in my water. straight aff the hill it is. no shit either. trust me, ^ I would know..
  4. Fact:: Operation Yellowhammer is ready..... 29th March..... bring it on.
  5. But there is a lot of that in the air around there...... mainly from bulls.
  6. and an awfull lot of pish
  7. yer mans still sulking aint he?
  8. dunno, I'm not tied into his cycle
  9. I know, to busy tying yourself in knots.
    anyhoos, you loves that word democracy.
    I was just reading this, having a PR gov up here I get what yer mans saying.
    When majoritarianism rules the day, then the majority can impose its will on the minority irrespective of how narrow that majority is. Those who are in the minority, especially those who are a permanent minority like Scotland within the UK, are doomed forever to be subject to the whims of a majority which they are powerless to influence.

    The best that can be hoped for is for the permanent minority to swing the difference when the balance of opinion amongst the permanent majority is finely balanced. In other words, Scotland’s voice can only ever have any hope of being heard when there is no consensus within England. Westminster’s fixation on majoritarianism means that Scotland can never have its needs taken into account within the British state, that Scotland will always be dragged along in the wake of decisions made by the electorate in England. There is nothing within the constitutional structures of the UK which can protect Scotland from the malign effects of English nationalism, and that means we’re not a partner in a union.

    True democracy means reaching consensus. It means ensuring that the views of as many as possible are taken into account. And above all it means finding means and methods of including those sections of the population which are permanent minorities. That can only be achieved with proportional representation, with a written constitution which strictly separates the powers of the legislature, the executive, and the judiciary, and which strives to attain consensus instead of crushing the minority under the heel of a parliamentary majority. In other words, it can’t be achieved within the British state.
  10. It was a minority that voted Leave
    • Funny Funny x 2
  11. Tell me if you would fin

    If Scotland voted (again as the snp ignored the first one) if there was an indi two, what system will you use to decide the "consensus" and so Scotlands future?
  12. I mean chlorine. Anyway, others have spanked you for your misspoken comments .... moving on ...

    So what exactly are they putting in your drinking water?

    Even less of a minority that voted Remain so ...


    : o D
    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. Damn straight :punch:

    • Like Like x 2
    • Funny Funny x 1
  14. Yet again a cut n paste.... however the author is describing a committee and not a democracy.
    A camel is a horse, designed by a committee. ....
    • Agree Agree x 1
  15. I did not mis speak. Noobie said chlorine. It was a genuine question. Are we not allowed to ask questions anymore?

    Percentage of population entitled to vote that voted leave =37%

    That’s a minority

    Just stating the facts
    • Drama Queen Drama Queen x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  16. tbh, its not really up to the SNP. they aint really a weather vain party unlike most of them sitting in Westminster at the mo, but on this subject, they are taking the leadership from the people. if they don't call that reff or hold the next elections on that ticket, they could be in trouble for a while.
    I expect when it is called, the result will be based on a lil more info that can be placed on the side of a bus. which of course is the problem with the result with Brexit. not so much the result, but how it was conducted by the brexiteers. and how it is being managed by the Gov.
  17. You will find it was the opposition parties who ignored the result of the first one. It was Ruth Davidson etc that wouldn’t stop banging on about it. It’s only since the EU referendum that the SNP have started talking about indyref2; and so they should. They have a duty to represent the opinions of voters, as well as to highlight the broken promises of failed Westminster politicians.

    Scotland will be out of the U.K. soon enough

    U.K. is leaving the EU on WTO terms and with a conventional EU border between NI and Eire.

    Scotland will leave the U.K. and join EFTA and will have a conventional border between it and England.
    • Like Like x 1
  18. this is an absolute fact. its all the Ruth Davidson party talk about. its their only policy. "no to another reff". then when the questions gets tuff, she just storms off.
    no matter whats goin on in the world, no matter whats just been announced or achieved, its all we ever get in the press. we had moved on, shame the press and opposition partys hadn't.
    exige and his project fear, ha.
  19. Sturgeon was in London over the weekend to address the “Put it to the People” march, calling for a new EU referendum.

    But Scottish Tory constitution spokesman Adam Tomkins said the visit was a “scam”.

    He added: “She wasn’t there because she cares about the UK leaving the EU or to try and influence proceedings in the coming days.

    “She was there to agitate for a second independence referendum, and to set Scotland up for even more years of division.

    Independence is the only thing on her radar. Her obsession is stopping Scotland from getting on and doing the things that really matter to people."
    that's the template for everything. from talking at the UN on equal rights for woman to visiting countries across the world to drum up business, there will be a BBC reporter waiting outside ready to door step her and quiz her on indi.
    kinda why some of you know jack all.
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