Lowered 848 - how do I sell?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Stannie, Mar 12, 2013.

  1. Last year I bought a beautiful red 848 EVO it had done 1500 miles.
    i am a bit on the short side so I had it lowered, just about 1.5 inches.
    i have added another 100 miles (!!!!!!) to it and for medical reasons I will not be able to ride it again for at least another 6 months so I have decided to sell.
    My question is should I put it back to standard height at a cost of £350 or should I try to sell it as it is ?( bearing in mind I go in hospital on the 23rd March and would need to sort out any mechanical stuff before that) although my husband will still be be able to do the selling etc if needed.
    i would have already advertised it on here but every time I decide to take photos it starts snowing!
  2. Oh Anne

    Hope everything is ok x

    Sounds like it doesn't want you to sell it
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  3. details on what was lowered would be helpful in advert. If it was only suspension changes ie geometry it should see no adverse effect on re-sale value.
  4. As above, cant see how it would affect selling.
  5. £350 to lower your bike! Recon you were ripped off I bet he only turned the eccentric hub & maybe put the forks though the yokes a bit?
    Bring it to me Ill put it back for free.
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  6. Don't forget a turn of the ride height adjuster Chass, that's another 20 seconds!
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  7. It was lowered professionally using spacers ( not exactly sure how) and changing the rear shock spring. It also needs a new stand now (£100 from Ducati :eek:) because the old one was cut down. £250 to change back and approx £100 for new stand.
    There isn't a ride height adjuster.
  8. ??? There must be a ride height adjuster of some form, even if its a std fixed rod, its part of what holds the bike up. And if its not adj how cold it be lowered properly....Unless shock changed, other than lighter spring so more bounce on sitting down, I cant see what cold have been done?

    When I had my 748 lowered, they changed the ride height bar, moved the hub so it was kinds 'upside down' and lowered forks by about 30mm.

    Maybe get some pics and post up?
  9. Buy a used stand from eblag..:upyeah:
  10. Or dont sell it with a stand at all...
  11. I don't know - all I know is it was lower and rides a million times better than it did before . i think the spring is softer because there was absolutely no sag before and there is now.
    I will try to get some photos if it ever stops snowing long enough to take some.
    i think El Toro had his lowered at the same place. So I might ask him if he knows what they did.
  12. The spring is a good thing, so no reason to change that imho. Sounds like sell as is and just list as lowered once you find out whats been done :)
  13. Good idea but They are still £60 - I guess a normal 848/1098 one will fit?

    (As you can tell bike mechanics is not my forte)
  14. can't imagine what spacers were used? Think you we're bull shited, who did it?

    The ride height isn't adjustable on the 848 standard but you can fit a rod from a 1098 for less than £100 that would have been the easy way to do the job or should I say professional way;)
    #14 Chass, Mar 12, 2013
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2013
  15. I just spoke to Kais Suspension who did it (quite a reputable firm)- the suspension stroke was adjusted internally using spacers and a new rear spring was fitted. The costs are obviously to take the forks apart and remove the spacers.
  16. Yup same...:upyeah:
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  17. Thanks Char. I am sure things will be fine. Hopefully all better by the Autumn.
    I don't really want to sell it but I won't get any use out of it this year and it needs to be ridden,
  18. cant for the life of me see why they did that! As it would have been much essayer to change the ride hight rod & drop the forks through.

    anyway to late now but it's left you with a problem & I recon it will be hard to sell if you don't put it back.
  19. Would I be right in thinking you're female Stannie (Anne)?

    If so, that's probably why the spring was changed (girls usually being lighter than blokes)
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