British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

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  1. what do you know about the AFD?
  2. I know a lot of people in the EU parliament cheered her views, are they taking over due to the EU's selfish power grab I wonder :thinkingface:
    I cant see how you can disagree with her sentiments in that speech.... but you will :bucktooth:
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  3. Smaller parties are always labeled extremists don't you find fin? :D
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  4. i know her party is made up of the former members from the right wing of the CDU who in turn formed aliances with politician called Alejo Vidal-Quadras Roca, who was a marginal figure within the Spanish governing party at the time who, after talks with ruth davidson came out as the go to guy along with those members of the CDU to claim we would never be able to rejoin the EU after indi and who has since flounced off to form a far-right extremist party of his own which attracts very few votes.
  5. Brexit options in a nutshell. Not mine but too good not to post….

    1/Revoke Article 50.
    This is the one to go for if you despise the working class and think they should never have been allowed to vote in the first place. Ideal if you live in a three million pound house in London and are called Jeremy, Jacinda or Gerald. It also works for you if you think Magna Carta was a terrible idea and 800 years of extending political rights and enfranchisement needs to be reversed as quickly as possible.

    2/A People’s Vote/2nd referendum
    Quite a few Jeremy’s are keen on this one too. This is the one to go for if you despise the working class and think they should never have been allowed to vote in the first place. It differs from the revoke option because it pretends to be democratic. But it’s still saying that everyone who voted Leave is a non person whose vote should be totally ignored.

    3/May’s Deal
    If you have been scratching your head and wondering how on earth can we retain all EU control over Britain and even extend it whilst pretending to honour the 2016 vote this is the one for you. It’s a great option if you would like to know what it felt like for Indians during the Raj, or get sexually aroused by the idea of dominant Belgians being able to do whatever they want to you for at least two years.

    4/Custom’s Union
    This is Labour’s Plan. We ‘Leave’ the EU. Then we put in place exactly the same trade relationship with all of exactly the same rules as being in the EU. Nobody will notice the switch or that Brexit is not actually delivered. This is the one to go for if you’ve always been fascinated by that game with three cups or three cards. You know, can you find the pea or the Queen? Street hustlers and grifters love this one, and it’s also the one to go for if you have a gambling addiction or are just terrified of change. Canaries that fly back into cages all recommend this option.

    5/Canada Plus.
    This is the one that was fully drafted by the government department actually set up to draft a deal, that the EU had said they would agree to, and that actually delivers both a deal and a real Brexit. So of course this is the one that the Civil Service torpedoed and that nobody talks about.

    6/ No Deal
    This is the one where even the name is a lie. It actually means WTO rules, which are wide ranging and sensible and designed to facilitate trade. It also means instead of one big deal with nasty compromises, lots of little sensible deals with no surprises. The stuff that keeps planes flying. The stuff that makes all the Apocalyptic Visions of Doom ridiculous. But if you think Mad Max is a documentary on life in Australia this is the one to be terrified of.
    ‘No Deal’ also includes the option of an agreement under the WTO to enter trade negotiations for up to 10 years with zero tariffs during all that time. That’s right. All the stockpiling food and talk about cancer medicines is retarded horseshit.
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  6. And? if you have a right wing party by the laws of nature, you will have a left wing party

    I'm sure you would align yourself as a snp man with the afd fin as you would with sinn fien. All seek a better life for the indiginous people, all are nationalist parties, all believe there are outside powers interfering
  7. Ahhhh, so you didn't disagree with her speech then :thinkingface:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  8. No, but she may be an associate of someone who spoke negatively about the IndyRef, so isn’t to be trusted.
  9. So the deal can’t pass.
    MPs looking for a Customs Union?
    Tory Leadership contest?
    Maybe an Election?

    That’s what it comes down to.

    In any case we are in for a long delay and No Deal is dead.

    Sad for the swivel-eyed loons?


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  10. No deal is still the legal default, funnily enough, your opinion isn't :D
    • Funny Funny x 1
  11. i switched off after i recognised the conection. busy enough without that pish. she may well have somthing relevent to say. but knowing her partys background i dont trust her motives so i aint interested.
  12. Who are the swivel eyed loons ?
  13. Google is your friend ;-)
    • Funny Funny x 1
  14. Apparently it was Cameron that started that term.
    • Useful Useful x 1
  15. Fin, Snp is a nationalist party, afd is a nationalist party, sinn fien is a nationalist party, Partit Nacionalista Català is a nationalist party. All want more say in their future and are doing so by using the legal political system and elections
  16. Well a point we’ll made is a point well made ... no matter the origin :)
    • Funny Funny x 1
  17. E041331C-A6A7-4B6C-80BF-B34C4D0C5208.jpeg

    • Funny Funny x 2
  18. Noobie....I am your father
    • Funny Funny x 4
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