British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

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  1. yip, most right thinking people do know the difference between blood and soil and civic nationalism noob.
  2. I'm not sure they would be willing to admit that though fin

    Some may see sinn fien as a legitimate party despite it's group killing many hundreds of innocents but at the same time, revile the afd who haven't killed anyone.
  3. That's between me and my dealer
  4. the UDA killed many hundreds too. thank ferk for the GFA no?
    anyhoo, she aint wrong is she?
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  5. It was quite a funny comment from old dour face
  6. It's producing some creative thinking and eye candy, a master stroke I feel :blush:
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  7. No deal is the default position and favoured by the lunatics indeed. It’s also going to happen through a combination incompetence and English Entitlement.

    For those who don’t know “English Entitlement” is a actually a thing.

    It’s what inspired the confidence that the German car industry would ensure a free trade agreement. Or that the EU would cave on the backstop. It’s that arrogance that thinks there is still an empire and that the U.K. is important. It’s also the main reason people like @finm and I don’t share the chest thumping rule Britannia bravado of many here. We recognise Britannia days of influence and strength are long since over and our strength comes from cooperation.

    It fails to recognise the strength of others. Or indeed the rights of others. It was English Entitlement that barred EU nationals voting in the 2016 referendum.

    Of course only some English people carry this burden and a great many are more enlightened and outward looking
    #29630 749er, Mar 29, 2019
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2019
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  8. Quite probably the best thing to come out of Brexit. It could be carried forward into other threads. :upyeah:
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  9. some might say its British exceptionalism but as we all know, in Britain, might is right, so therefore it really is, English entitlement. its a shame the same brush has tarred you all, and that english culture dominates the UK. I guess this always happens when blukip is the only voice in town.
    talking of cooperation and the tory philosophy of you get nothing for nothing, you have to wonder what was going on and what was offered in return by R.Davidson ect to those eh..marginal partys in the EU to come out and say something and anything to discredit Scotland and any future place it may have in the rEU.
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  10. Yesterday one of my blokes was coming back,(unladen),from Germany in a tiny little van.
    Before he got to Dunkirk the French started to queue everything with a Foreign number plate on the A16.
    (He tried nipping around it by going along the old road from Adinkerke but got stopped and redirected onto the A16 again).
    Seven hours of creeping along he finally gets to the port,and the French customs lady hands him some literature about what we can expect in the event of a No Deal/WTO Brexit.
    Now according to my driver,(I haven't seen the blurb yet but I will scan & post it on here when I get it),both the customs lady and the pamphlets explain that there will be a smooth automated system for clearing freight through Calais which will alleviate any delays.(The current hold-up is about a personnel dispute between customs staff,nowt to do with Brexit).
    If true,is shows the difference between the bullshit spewed by politicians/media,and the reality.
    Systems exist and are being put in place to ensure life pretty much goes on as before post-Brexit,but it requires the will of those we pay to implement those systems.
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  11. Calais port chap was on the radio saying something similar.

    Most goods are shipped and received by legal entities and so decent systems should be able to deal with this. Our problem is we don’t have a good record with this. The French are up and running with everything built already. What have we done? Apart from assume the EU would cave and assume it will be alright on the night?
    • Funny Funny x 1
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  12. I just used the terms used by journalists on the radio. I certainly hear it from Scottish voices though they are always hard right Tory voters
  13. Not entirely accurate, the Govt did do something. They contracted with a ferry company with no ships to lay on extra routes out of Harwich. Be fair to them now, it’s not as though they’re doing nothing but argue amongst themselves is it? ;)
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  14. The local news noted that Brittany Ferries have commenced running their two extra ferries per day, as per their contract!
    • Funny Funny x 1
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