my vote goes to Abu Hamza. He likes wearing dresses and funny hats. The old hooks wouldn't be much good for kiddy fiddling but I'm sure he would put some bite back into the christian church
Rome : new pope elected. LA : Catholic Church pays $10m out of court settlement to alleged victims of child abuse by a priest. I'm sure their god will be happy with events.
makes a whole new theory to keeping out the black and staying in the red, cos apparently you don't get anything for two in a bed......
I went to a Catholic church for the first time in.....let's say a helluva lot of years.....just a few weeks ago for a funeral............ I have to say, I haven't experienced anything that bizarre before...... I quite see why Father Ted and Dave Allen were having a poke at the whole Catholic thing........and I thank my God I'm not a Catholic. Inshallah...... AL