harley ...........tractor ..........harley ...........tractor say it fast enough can hardley tell the diffference but fair do each to there own world would be boring if everyone liked the same thing know a few people with harleys have to admit think they have watched sons of anarchy a bit too much lol#
at least you can eat a horse...in fact, most of us have...however they do both put 1 horsepower and fart out a lot of sh1t..
I like them.Had two,both new,first was a 98 Sportster 1200 Custom.Great fun,torquey like nothing else,and full throttle launching at the lights was a hoot...and as long as you don't mind leaving showers of sparks on right handers,,they don't handle that bad. Brakes were appalling though. Second one was a 1340 Deuce,special order paint/pipes etc,ok but nowhere near as much fun. Couldn't hack the whole H.O.G lifestyle/weekend warrior shite though,everything they wore had to made by H-D... Went to the factory at Milwaukee,great experience,probably like it used to be at BSA/Triumph years ago... And if ever a bike attracted the opposite sex...must have been the bike,I've never been an oil painting LOL Sorry to be so wordy,but they're alright,Imho of course...
If I wanted to cross the USA in a comfy chair, I would choose a Mustang (1960's vintage, of course). I guess most US product fit for purpose in the good old U S of A does not travel too well, a bit like Americans. The HD reminds me of a Lay-Z-Boy on two wheels. Same category as the Gold Wang, not really motorcycles in my view. I would rather ride a European bike in Europe, than a Harley anywhere, including the US.
Yeah sure, some of them seem ok, reckon given a hot climate I'd be tempted to have one, jeans, t shirt, german helmet lid and cowhide gloves...I'm almost there
Harleys make sense in much of the US - where they were developed. There are few corners, (so you don't really need handling); traffic is not so dense in the expanses of the States (so you can get away with crap brakes); the distances involved are so vast, that if you were in a hurry, you'd be on a plane, so you might as well settle in, chill out and chug along. What is the point in such an environment in having razor-sharp handling, monobloc brakes and 180 bhp? It's horses for courses. Of course, in an environment with loads of corners, narrow roads, unforeseen hazards, and distances where you really can shave off minutes or hours if you get a move on, you'd want 180 bhp, monobloc brakes and razor-sharp handling. All clear?
Has anyone actually ridden a harley ? I have! a 1200 something!! My X brother inlaw's, I can see the attraction etc but what a pile of shite to ride. Mind you Gary was a decent chap unlike the twat She's with now!
A couple of winters ago me and my gf spent a week in Hawaii: perfect opportunity I thought to rent a Harley for three days and tour round the Big Island. Empty coast road, views of the sea, what's not to like? Riding a fecking tractor - that's what's not to like! :-( I absolutely hated it. No go. No stop. Horribly vibey. Not even comfortable - my back was killing me after a couple of hours in the saddle. I was SO disappointed...
1st bike in the uk to crack the ton was a harley unfortunately thats about where their development stopped have a 61 year old harley in the garage, 2 things stand out, new ones have had bugger all development a dyno results show its got more torque at the back wheel than either of the ducati's in the garage
As previously stated,I have:and I'd have another,(in fact I probably will :tongue. They're not built like nor intended to ride like a Duke,and just like a Duke,they won't appeal to everybody.Plenty of Jap riders think that Ducati are stuck in the technological Dark Ages. I do like the whole H-D "evolution,not revolution",ethos. I also think theres a lot of self-denial about liking them...like finding someone who admits to voting for Tony Blair,it depends where and when you ask the question...:biggrin: