British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

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  1. You are really grasping at straws with that one :rolleyes:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  2. And forget the referendum you mean :thinkingface: cool :cool:
  3. That isn't a locked thread I have given you, it's a handbag to dance round o_O
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  4. Why would that be different than now. Apart from forcing these clowns to actually vote for something rather than against everything?
  5. I’ve written an email to the olympic committee asking them to include ‘voting’ in the next Olympic Games.
    • Thanks Thanks x 2
  6. I have noticed you skip posts that you can't answer :eyes: clever tactics :bucktooth:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  7. They’ll now circulate a briefing paper describing both of the three possible ways of not implementing it before blackballing it in a secret ballot.
    • Like Like x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. True.
    But, it’s looking like if Labour think Tories are going to vote in favour of something they will vote against it and vice versa.
    The DUP are just going to vote no to everything - what do they want ?
  9. Rumor is tomorrow the Tories are meeting to decide about a Gen Election or not. That should shuffle the numbers of MPs. Maybe one party could achieve a majority? The DUP may well lose half of their seats.
  10. They are a funny lot :eyes:
  11. They’ll have to get a wiggle on to get a new leader in place, and an election before Friday next, unless they think that’s an acceptable reason for a longer extension.
  12. I think the GE was one of the things the EU said they would grant a long extension for. A new Tory leader election would probably take 8 weeks to resolve, then a GE at least another 8. But this lot don't work in the summer do they?

    Then a party with majority could resolve it though its not certain. A minority government might be no further forward.
  13. Indeed.

    Explaining what the purpose of the extension is (Other than to hold an election) could be challenging though. I suppose it depends on how confident they are that Jezza would win?
  14. The EU have little to lose by granting the extension, and potentialy a fair bit to gain. How bad is it to them if we stay for six more months?

    I doubt anyone is all that confident of Jezza winning in style. I think he has a good shot, but things can unravel in the campaigns pretty quickly - at Mays last one!
  15. You needn’t have worried about being appalled again in that case.

  16. blimey, where do you begin

    Germany in many ways does not want us to leave, one because they will be paying most of our shortfall and secondly by percentages, the smaller countries now will hold more leverage against Germany and France with the U.K. out of the way

    I saw an interview a few days ago on France 24 where the eu and China are entering into further trade negotiations next month, where some of the chinese delegation members have pointed out to the eu that the U.K. is a massive buying country but will no longer be part of the deal with the eu, so in many ways takes away, a market the chinese want and need

    Then you have some countries who genuinely want the U.K. to stay but extreme europhiles such as verhofstadt, junker, Macron et al, want the U.K. out and quick smart.

    They believe it shows the bad side of the eu that they normally hide and the eu body will lose many sycophant mep's to populist anti eu candidates in next months european mep elections.

    They also think that pah, U.K. smookay, we can do without them, (as long as Germany keeps paying the bill) They also refuse to see that many trade negotiators will see the eu without the bulk buying U.K., as a weaker market so will seek to negotiate better deals with the eu.

    The eu's reputation more than anything else,the 5th largest economy in the world has said, the eu is moving in a direction we do not want, so we're out. This starts questions being asked, is the eu sustainable given it's moving into recession?
    • Useful Useful x 2
  17. I don't think a general election would lead to a majority parliament from any party. It would have to be a coalition to get a majority.
    I believe that there would be more independents running that would get in.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  18. Beware. Barnier, Junker, Tusk don't have the deficit remember it took Canada over 10 years to get their deal and the last straw for Canada was that the whole deal was held up by one tiny council in Belgium applying their veto.

    It's stories like this that makes these twats so easy to dislike.

  19. More indicative votes Wednesday
    Another Vote on Mays deal Thursday.

    Most of what I read is saying the problem is no one will compromise.

    I can’t help thinking it’s a case of, the people voted leave, in trying to leave the problem is no one will compromise by remaining.
  20. You would have thought that YouGov would have shared their thoughts with the US MSM. You know, to help folks like CNN not look like total assclowns.

    Selfish old YouGov.

    Your unconscious bias towards Remain leads you suppose that Leavers hoping for Canada ++, etc, would cleave to Remain if their chosen outcome proved unattainable. In any event, anyone with the brains of a fig newton would have known that the EU was not prepared to offer any kind of suitable deal to the UK.

    Again with the unconscious bias. The only things being voted on in Parliament are Remain options. You're offering a solution to the difficult issue of How to Ignore The Referendum.

    So, best case scenario - instead of a party split on Brexit being the minority Government, we get a party as a Majority Government which is - split on Brexit?
    Unless people make good on their threats to turn their backs on the two main parties and vote in a Brexit party ... wouldn't that be something?
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