British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

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  1. and possibly better. Winston seemed to do an OK job from a big shed underground.
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  3. PM'd
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  4. aye, they do tend to visit and have press releases from jcb dont they?
    anyhoos, a wee brake down of the votes.
  5. Ask your daughter for some email addresses for all the music advice!
    • Like Like x 2
    • Funny Funny x 1
  6. Good idea :)
    (The music advice has worked a treat too.)

    Better not tell her what it's for though, she refuses to talk any sort of politics until she is allowed to vote.
  7. Agreed. And no pictures to break it up. I explain why, below.

    On the contrary. Yes.

    The reason for this was the same as the reason why I didn't post pictures in accordance with the new forum rules.

    I was hungry, I was distracted, I was about to go to dinner and my colleague was banging on the door, yelling at me to go to dinner. His name is "Angry", by the way.


    If the circumstances are unchanged, why would they need to change their vote?

    I promise you, if you try to tell me that anything relating to Brexit has changed over the past two-and-half years, I will PMSL. You have been warned.

    And the UK is listening in to the US and the UK is using GCHQ to prepare "special dossiers" for use in Presidential elections.
    "They all do that, Sir!".

    If you are going to now tell me that the US, in our lifetime, is going to be a threat to UK national security on the same order as China ... I will again PMSL.

    Way too much PMSL going on here.

    And in English? : o )

    Pretend I am fecking stupid, and use your words.


    OK. Done.

    Now, you take off the blindfold, and the ear-plugs, and explain to me how the EU's WA was created by a servant of the Crown rather than a servant of the EU. I'll wait.

    I disagree. Agreed?

    You did. It's almost like you have no argument ... except that it is exactly like you have no argument : o D

    • Useful Useful x 1
  8. My Mrs was looking at the votes this morning, might have been on the Guardian site, it showed a lot more detail.
    Got to admit I was amazed at some of the 'second referendum' peeps that did not back soft brexit options. Maybe, just maybe they are going to score an own goal. Likewise a complete lack of flexibility across the board though.
    Obvious though that Gamesmanship continues un abated! Most Tories just voted against everything. cnuts. In or out, will never vote for them again.
    Many in Parliament talk about public outrage over the mis handling of the process, yet they continue to add fuel to the fire. Incredible.
  9. Normal service resumes at

    Point 3. The public have seen how the current government manage difficult situations. They have seen the governments performance in many areas of their lives. I suspect some are disatisfied. Others may prefer a change to other Politcal Partys as there are at least two new ones and some old nearly defunct ones that may be worth a try.

    Point 5. To achieve a Brexit solution, a good deal more than 52% will have to feel they have been heard.


    The other points were funny! I'd talk to the doc about the incontinence but I know its your personal choice. Still the gents is the third door on the left.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  10. I've said it before and I will say it again.

    The question of EU membership has never lent itself to the idea of compromise, of workable solutions. It has always been an either-or proposition.
    How do I know this?

    If a compromise, if some middle-ground could be found, we'd have it already. Parliament would have come to an accommodation. It would have achieved a solution that provided a sufficiency of satisfaction for both sides, to the extent that we would NOT have had a Referendum on the question of membership. Parliament has not been able to solve this issue, in 40+ years of trying!

    Parliament hates the idea of a referendum. It loathes referendums. We know this. The idea of setting aside absolute power and handing it to the great unwashed, is almost unthinkable to UK Parliamentarians. Would they have announced a Referendum, if they had been able to resolve the EU issue themselves?

    The 2016 Referendum came about, in part because the issue of EU membership was destined to destroy the major parties, to cause them to implode. Especially once the rate of change in the nature of the EU had begun to accelerate - Maastricht, Lisbon. The major parties were entirely unable to solve the crisis that was brewing. Why? Because they could not square the circle, they could not reconcile two mutually exclusive, irreconcilable positions.

    I say this again - Parliament could not come up with a compromise and they could not make the decision, Leave or Remain. They couldn't make the problem go away. They couldn't do it.

    Parliament asked the Public to make the choice (the Remains who formed the majority of the two major Parliamentary groups assumed their side would win). The Public made the choice for them. Parliament, having been incapable of solving the EU issue on its own, is now working overtime to prevent the People's solution from being put into effect. Can you believe that? In the United fecking Kingdom?

    People who argue that there is a middle ground between Leave and Remain: they are not living in the real world. If there was a reconcilable position between the two - we would already have it and there would have been no need for a referendum.

    Use your brains, dear forum members.
    • Agree Agree x 2
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  11. I have answered your points and your pitiful attempts to undermine my greatness (and continence) in my post ^^^

    And the fact is, people pay good money for golden showers and you, Sir, have NOT been charged a penny! Ingrate!
    • Useful Useful x 1
  12. Oh thats the Angry guy? Well don't let me keep you!
    • Funny Funny x 1
  13. It does highlight why our politicians are afraid of people getting involved in politics.

    The last thing they want is people expecting democracy in a democratic country through a democratic majority vote.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  14. Already been to dinner and come back.

    I see how you scamps react without adult supervision, I get no time for myself these days!
  15. If a compromise, if some middle-ground could be found, we'd have it already. Parliament would have come to an accommodation. It would have achieved a solution that provided a sufficiency of satisfaction for both sides, to the extent that we would NOT have had a Referendum on the question of membership. Parliament has not been able to solve this issue, in 40+ years of trying!.
    does our deal differ in any way to other EU members?
    no place at the negotiations for the scot gov despite the promises a few months earlier, they where willing to make a compromise in tearms of a workable CU + SM in an irish backstop stylie for us, presented to them in december 16. it would of removed a lot of opposition to her deal.
    she gave the DUP a bill instead.
    • Useful Useful x 1
  16. To be fair fin, if you do become independent, the Scottish government wouldn't ask Aberdeen city council to go with them in negotiations with the eu 27? :D
  17. What happened to the other ten million, have they now changed their mind?
  18. i;m pretty sure in a PR gov, noob. they would involve the other partys and COSLA if they where affected in any way.
    why would they not learn from the burach at westminster
  19. ahaaa queen Nic won't share power with anyone once she thinks she is Merkel
  20. Or step down after 'mission accomplished'......
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