British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

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  1. All the silly posts get moved there o_O
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  2. Sir Bernard Jenkins ?
  3. It is if your investments are when it falls.
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  4. yip, but he could be speaking for most torys. they dont like devolution.
  5. Past giving a fuck.

    The UK is finished and will not exist in ten years time. Run by idiots, guided by racists.

    The Country is the laughing stock of the world.
    • Drama Queen Drama Queen x 2
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  6. Where you from again duke?
  7. All because of bigots like you too :eek: well done, but don't be proud of yourself - oh, and you're soooo wrong (apart from the idiot remain PM's of course) :):upyeah:
    • Funny Funny x 2
  8. a wee quiz. who said this?
    “Imagine that there was a union of free nations, but that it then attempted to punish one of its members for wanting to leave it? What might that say about the moral claims of such a union?”

    Yes Douglas. Indeed. What does it say about the UK?
    a funny wee extract.
    Theresa May’s words were warm like a toilet seat in a public lavvy. It’s not what you expected and it leaves you feeling uncomfortable. And you’d be right to be uncomfortable. There is an implicit trap lurking in Theresa May’s offer to hold talks with Jeremy Corbyn and to seek a short extension to Article 50. Beware of Theresa Mays despairing rifts.

    The concern here is that the Prime Minister still wants to avoid any need for the UK to participate in the EU elections. That’s why she’s insistent on a short extension, and she wants the UK to leave the EU by May 22. If the UK remains in the EU beyond that date, legally it must participate in the European elections, which the Prime Minister is determined to avoid, despite all her talk on Tuesday evening of finding a cross party compromise. The worry is that if Labour, and the EU, are foolish enough to consent to her short extension, then the date of May 22 becomes the last possible date for the UK to remain in the EU because by then it will be too late for the UK to organise European elections. It would mean that there could be no further extensions. Then it really does come down to a choice between Theresa May’s deal and no deal at all, because the Prime Minister will have succeeded in taking the possiblity of further extensions off the table.
    The other part of the trap is by involving Corbyn, May broadens the blame for failure to come up with a deal that Parliament can agree on. It means that the Conservatives can blame Labour for a Conservative-made disaster. Theresa May doesn’t do compromise. She doesn’t do listening. She doesn’t do consensus. She doesn’t do honesty, and she certainly can’t be taken at her word because her words are always hedged about with caveats and unstated conditions. This is compromise, but only if you define compromise as setting up a fall guy so that there’s someone else to take the rap. This is a compromise that will consist of meeting with Jeremy, having a wee chat about a customs union, rejecting it, and then blaming Jezza for the breakdown in talks.
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  9. I've given him the ultimate award - a handbag o_O
  10. upload_2019-4-2_22-53-48.png
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  11. They give interviews about it too! Here's a few with the national press.
  12. Unless the EU kick us out, the UK isn't leaving on a No Deal basis.
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  13. or there is this possibilty
    What is worrying is that the Conservative party leadership is quite likely to go for a no-deal Brexit as their least-worst option once May’s deal is finally declared so dead that not even the voodoo zombie spells of the Prime Minister can revive it. By least-worst that does of course mean that it would be the least-worst option for the Conservative party, not the least-worst option for everyone else. For the rest of us, a no-deal Brexit would be chaotic. It threatens jobs. It threatens the supply of vital medicines. It threatens all our futures. Yet it’s the most likely outcome because it’s the outcome which does least damage to the Conservative party. Bugger the rest of us.

    The Conservative party doesn’t want another referendum because they fear that Brexit would be lost and angry leave voters would reject the party in a subsequent election and their own overwhelmingly leave supporting membership would flounce off en masse to Nigel Farage. They don’t want a snap General Election because there’s no conceivable manifesto on Brexit around which the party could coalesce. They don’t want a long extension to Article 50 because then the UK would have to participate in the European elections and the Conservatives would get thrashed. They don’t want a closer relationship with the EU because then they can’t pose as being tough on immigration and it makes it harder for them to threaten Scotland with a hard border in a future independence referendum. They don’t even want a customs union because then the UK can’t make its own trade deals with Mauretania and they’ll be accused of betrayal by the right wing press.
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  14. Notwithstanding Mays duplicity, incompetance and disingenious character, David Lidington wrote yesterday to local electoral registration officials yesterday telling them to get on with planning for Euro elections on 23 May
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  15. i'm at the stage where i just see that as a ruse. fool me once hundred thousand times and all that.
    #30396 finm, Apr 2, 2019
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2019
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  16. Who wrote that tripe? :bucktooth:
    • Agree Agree x 1
  17. nobody important.
  18. It will be interesting to see the midget Macron preening in his usual cockalorum way tomorrow. He always makes me laugh with the risers in his shoes.
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Funny Funny x 1
  19. i suspect that would bother him immensely.
    • Funny Funny x 2
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