That’s a convincing argument: a vote as to whether we may let you have what you voted for last time, though we reserve the right to continue not letting you have it.
Nah, there a bunch of Nigerian Princes well known now in the UK from their letter writing who could oversee it all.
I didn't want a second referendum, but have changed my mind as I believe it's the only way forward. Any deal will just cause more arguments (Leavers = "we haven't really left", Remainers = "We aren't properly in the EU")
South African and Zimbabwean governments are doing a twofer deal at the moment on independent and safe voting for the people
A second referendum will still cause arguments and demands for another, regardless of which side wins. Complete waste of time IMO.
They keep on about the Irish border and the Good Friday Agreement, I assume if we go with a no deal the EU will imply we have reneged on the agreement. In which case can we then revoke the ‘letters of freedom’ or whatever bollocks Blair called them and round up all the terrorists who walked away?
Everyone seems to be disowning May. Perhaps if she made it official that she is a one woman party (but not going to resign her seat or PM ship) then Tory resignations would stop and possibly save the party TB
I will respond to your points but a while later when Im in front of a computer rather than the phone. It’s a bit difficult to cut & paste the points on the phone
The French are always rioting in Paris, if not Paris then the ports or air traffic control towers, it's what they do
Just some more useless polls, don't mean anything, waste of time really Do you think Britain was right or wrong to vote to leave the European Union? RIGHT 41% / WRONG 48% Imagine that the final outcome of Brexit was Britain leaving the European Union without any deal. Would you consider this to be... GOOD 21% / BAD 49% https://d25d2506sfb94s.cloudfront.n...swcig8s0/Internal_190401_BrexitTrackers_w.pdf …
same poll If Britain has not agreed a deal by April 12th, what do you think should happen? Britain should leave the European Union without a deal 40 Britain should seek a further extension 11 Britain should withdraw our application to leave and remain in the EU 36 And if Britain has not agreed a deal by April 12th and the European Union refused to grant a further extension, what do you think should happen? Britain should leave the European Union without a deal 44 Britain should withdraw our application to leave and remain in the EU 42 Don't know 13
So the results show what? That people think the wrong decision was made That people think leaving with no deal is a long way from what they would like That people do not trust the giovernment to do their job