Pairing Keys With New Dash

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by BrassFlute, Mar 19, 2019.

  1. Just bought a new dash for my 2011 hyper as the lcd packed up in the original one. Problem is when I spark up the new dash I get an IMMO error as it’s not paired with the original keys and naturally won’t start. I’ve tried putting it in pairing mode but it won’t accept the key code as this is for the original dash. Is there a default code for new dashes that I can use to unpair and then re-pair the keys. Any other suggestions greatly appreciated or is it a trip to the dealer?
  2. If you want to keep it original, without having the ecu flashed to immo-off, someone on here recently posted a link to a firm in Holland that can retrieve the code for you.
  3. Thanks all. That looks like the best option
  4. Hi!
    I have similar problem in a other threads but no response. So please tell me if you find a solution :) Can you describe that pairing procedure, maybe can work for me?
    My threads:
    The screen of the instrument (gauge) on my hypermotard 821 2013 cracked after a crash and it turned to black. It´s possible to start the motorcycle but nothing is visible in the display. I bought a used one on ebay and sent both instruments to a company in England, they just changed the screen so odo, immo etc would be intact. But when I get it home again, I have an immobilizer error code! And the motorcycle doesn't start now! They said that everything is as it should and the keys are coded to the bike but it´s the same keys as before, they have just changed the screen. I don't know what to do now, tips? Can I in the worst case disconnect the immobilizer to get on? Please come up with good ideas!
    Many thanks in advance!
  5. Doesn’t sound right.
    Maybe they mixed them up somehow
  6. Think I’ll have to give carmo a go as took to the dealer today and they couldn’t resolve it. They simply tried the old card code in the new dash and it wouldn’t work and said the code must be wrong. This is odd as the code also has the mechanical code and that matches the silver tag on key so find it highly unlikely the code is wrong. They also said the code is stored in the ecu whereas I thought it was stored in the dash (hence old code not working in new dash). So I’m back to square one.
  7. @chrisw may be able to help, even if it’s only to clarify how the system should work.
  8. Feck !!! Should've read it...… Google: SRV-ESB-18-004 I have a PDF but don't know how to copy it, it is 2082KB.
  9. Thanks all. A good read but new dash doesn’t give a countdown to pair the old keys when I power it on and I can’t override the immo as it doesn’t accept the old card code. That said I wouldn’t expect it to accept the old card code as it’s a new dash so I appear screwed
  10. Is the dash you have brand new?
  11. Yes it’s brand new - bought it from In Moto a couple of weeks ago for £735
  12. Gosh...
  13. My bike will now start and run with no dash at all but it’s an older system than yours I think.
    Can the people in the Netherlands not help??
  14. I’ve emailed Carmo Electronics in NL a couple of times but had no response. I’m a bit reluctant to post all my kit off to a company I can’t get hold of so think I’ll try and give them a call.
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  15. What are you using to put it in "pairing mode"?
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