Cats and the RSPCA

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by marc.w, Mar 12, 2013.

  1. Funky, I think it is time to review your medication. You have serious issues.
    • Like Like x 1
  2. argumentum ad hominem
  3. The truth sometimes hurts.
  4. So, no bad dogs just bad owners then.
  5. lololol!! etc
  6. my three cats have the cats from the two neighbouring houses as friends and they quite comfortably lay with them (not in a biblical sense), and they are 16 now.

    However I am disappointed that they don't shit in someone else's garden or have learnt to take down pigeons but I can't have everything.

    I think we go back to the very nature of the animal, lets face it, you own a dog but look after a cat. Marc, have they been neutered or spayed?, the fighting - if it does happen might be because they're on heat or have full ball bags.

    I'd definitely go and see the neighbouring people who this person claims have had their animals injured by your pets, and yes it might be a territorial thing who knows, especially if they've been prowling in another cats garden - but I'd definitely get informed form the other parties.

    One thing to bear in mind is whether there's any battle damage on your cats, any fight in which is as heated as your neighbour would have you believe, is likely to leave battle scars of some description.
  7. I tend to agree with cat re-location. I find Dartmoor suitable:biggrin:
  8. RSPCA won't do jack .
    They can't do what they are supposed to be doing .
    Won't give them a penny after seeing what their top brass earn .

    Also saw docu years back on them where they left animals suffering without treatment ( Daschshound with broken leg hanging) left her 3 days before deciding to old to bother rehoming and put her down.

    It was shocking .

    I'm surprised Bengals are outside
    Thief's love them.
    Also they can be not saying yours are highly strung cats.

    I'd keep them in if I was you.
    Also if they are ripping cats up have they got injuries because cat fights are full on usually.

    I'm a dog person.
    I don't hate cats my ex had 2 I lived with for 10 years.
    Next doors cat I hate.
    It messes on my door step , on my garden on my lawn.
    Wrecked a £70 bike cover ..
    I did up my front garden with slate is crapped all over it so badly I couldn't open my window .. As fast as I cleared up it was back.
    I had to buy more slate at £60 and stuff to keep cat off that did not work.
    It gets the runs and that's everywhere .

    Pissed up my bike loads .
    Ruined my sons trampoline by shitting all over the top bit and under it .
    Killed our lawn .. By messing all over it.
    Got in and killed one of my pets.
    Final straw it got in someone's down the road killed their pet cockerteil then brought it in my garden.

    I used to have wrens and all sorts but now nothing :( no birds it killed all the nests off ..
    The owner stands And gloats at me while I clean up her cats shit smirking.

    I love cleaning up its crap and sick ..
    It's not even my pet!

    Ontop of in the summer it cost me £40 a month in stuff to try and stop the worst of the shit.
    Oh my son got covered in the garden playing.
    Note the owner next door does not have a litter tray as she doesn't want a dirty thing like that in her pure White House!!
    She won't even have a dirty nappy in a bag in her house !
    Her child plays happily in the garden while mine can't now due to her pet crapping all over mine .. Note it doesn't go in hers.
    Try and clean up cat squits .. Not fun and impossible.

    Down my road if a dog messed on pavement £1000 fine.

    I don't hate cats but I think it's bloody unfair when other people have to clean up other people's animals mess on a daily basis and their property is ruined as is their enjoyment of home.

    In that case the owner should clean up the mess and sort out damage.
    If it was my dog I'd have to clean up mess pay for damage and ensure doesn't happen again.
    So far with slate , trampoline ,bike cover
    Flowers I planted ..
    It's caused nearly £500 of damage
    Since it arrived .. Not to mention the £40 a month in harmless stuff I have brought to deter it.

    If that was a dog I'd be in court :(

    Also I killed one last year in the car couldn't stop in time .. That shook me up and upset kids in the car.
    I picked it up and it had no collar of course I banged on doors till I found the owner .. She said " ohh but I tried to stop him going on the main road hysterically .. Yes I felt sorry for her but hello her house is on a main road ?
    Why not keep it indoors???
    Is it not obvious he's going to get knocked down ?

    It wasnt great for me running it over :( or my son who was disraught.

    I'd rather they where kept indoors to be honest that way owners get to clear up mess and it stops them getting run over .
    When the birds are nesting I think all cats should be kept indoors .
  9. Yes, all three have been spayed. We got this done when we decided it was unfair to have them kept in the house all the time. As I said before, there has never been any battle scars of any kind on our cats, I find this very strange. We have talked to one of the attacked cats owners and she claims she has seen them attacking other cats but I do not really believe her, she claims to have seen 2 of them attacking another cat on Sunday, well I know all our cats were in all day Sunday and we heard the cat fighting ourselves and my partner commented on it. She also made a comment about Bengals being known for being viscious, well that is totally untrue, granted a F1 or early generation cat may be a bit more wild in nature due to it carrying more of the wild Asian Leopard Cat's characteristics but our's are many generations removed from that. Like I said, we are keeping them in now and will adapt the garden for them, more for their safety really!
  10. I think that would be a lovely place for them :)
  11. Initially the plan was to keep them indoors, but after a while we felt it was cruel to not allow them the freedom to roam. Unfortunately not long after deciding that one of them got run over and he was irreplaceable, a beautiful big tom who thought he was a dog, would play fetch for ages :)

    I understand the anti cat sentiment expressed here in these replies, I would have been the same a few years ago, I was definitely a dog person, I've bred German Shepherds and West Highland Whites in the past, but since having these Bengals I've seen cats in a very different light and don't think I would go back to keeping a dog.

    I know cats do crap wherever they like and it can be annoying, we have the same problem around here with seagulls!
  12. Another soloution is an outdoor run.
    It gives the cat the chance to play outside and keeps them safe and other people's property.

    Sadly a lot of cat owners like next door seem to have them as less needy then a dog .
    however as I suggest next door because she can just bugger off and not clean up after it and not have to worry about it except for the ten mins it probably gets sitting on her sofa.
    All the nice bits of a pet except the crap and it being there all the time.
    plus they go everywhere for food.
    basically whereever they can get it .
    3 people are feeding one cat here .

    I think if you said if you own a cat it has to have an outdoor run (or if in a flat it had to be an indoor cat) for its safety and also to stop fouling you would see cat ownership crumble.

    They are less of a tie then a dog you see.
    Thats why people often own them less input.
  13. You do live in a shit area then............................:upyeah:
  14. The road I live in was lovely ....
    Great place to live .
    Huge garden everyone sits out back chilling in summer..

    Then next door moved in with her crapping cat and Whiney voice and screaming all night kid ( not a baby) and I quite frankly wish an asteroid would land on her house and wipe the lot of them out .. Nuff said!
    Now it's cat crap heaven ...

    I'm surprised Funky had not gone next door and dropped his trousers on next doors lawn !!! Lol
  15. when you clean the shit out of your garde can't you just tip it back into theirs?

    try environmental health as well, if your orfspring's at risk of an infection from rubbing around in their cats poo - hepatitis springs to mind, then EH may well do something.
  16. Why don't you move?
  17. Just been checking there is nothing you can do ref cats in your garden though as a houseowner you can take reasonable steps to keep them out.
    It's against the law to steal a cat or poison it.
    Cats are exempt from the rules that govern other animals as they are free spirits
    I think you should be allowed to put cat crap back onto the owners garden as long as you know their cat has left it.
  18. share the love and put it through his letter box.
  19. why should she? bloody ridiculous...what about the owner not allowing his cat to foul everywhere? and what happens when Mel goes to the expense and hassle of moving, kids going to new school etc to discover that her new neighbour has a lovely tabby with dysentery?

    ive heard that these are a cost effective deterrent..

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