@chizel iirc the amount of oil for a 749 is something like 3.5 ltrs. When you drain the oil there is still possibly about 200ml stuck in the oil cooler. I like to undo the lower oil union where the flexible hose connects into the crankcase, bend it down a bit and allow the trapped oil to drain out. I also jab the starter button quickly ( but not allow the engine to start) to turn the engine over a few revolutions to allow the pump to push out the last few drops of the dirty oil when I have the filter and drain plug removed.
hows it done then dude? I thought you could use the buttons on the dash but don't know how or if this is correct
just had a go and nothing showing that I can make out.. that said it is starting and running ok at the min... possibly doesn't store codes? just shows em at the time of problem?
that ign pick up lead you had disconnected .... disconnect that and test it again...see if the specific error code comes up for that? you pressing the left button and holding it down when you switch the ign on?
signal panel sensor... reconnected connector, started, switched off and tried again. no fault showing.. I guess this tells me it doesn't store codes? and if it cuts out again to look for error straight away? assuming my problems are something that will show up in the codes....
Welcome to head over my way and pick up the bits to look at error codes if you like. I'll be in from 11:15 to 2:00 ish.
Iirc it will show live coes, but you need to log in a proper reader for non live (ie stored and cleared faults). Bolt everything up, drop and sort oil level, start and see what happens. Chuck the 900 plate on it and take it for a test
I have thought seriously about that and may do one day... needs a few quid spending on it at the minute and id definitely have to do something with the suspension and geometry …
I might book on for that track day if you guys are up there. I was going to do Cadwell the day before but Donny would suit me better. It'll be the first trip out for the Aprilia
Is that a big bang R1? Noise is a very "dark art" some sound waves might be perceived as very loud by the human ear but not that high if actually measured in dBs.