British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

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  1. I think your inadvertent choice was useful. Everyone has been given two completely differerent versions of Leave. The snake oil one to get the votes, quickly followed by "Ah Guranteed Free Trade, Single Market/ Custon Union? Thats not included afterall fcck off"

    Its hard/ unfair to criticise a persons principles. But you can view their actions and see if what they say is what they actually do. Sturgeon may have a different view point than others but she is there at parliament everyday. Not so Nige.
    #30901 Jez900ie, Apr 6, 2019
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2019
    • Agree Agree x 1
  2. I agree, but I don't really believe it.................

  3. We’re back to the why people voted leave argument now though.
    Unfortunately we could go round in circles forever on that one.

    I agree, whether or not you agree with Sturgeon she is, in my opinion, one of the ‘good ones’ in that she’s doing what she’s says.

    Farage and others are probably the worst, they only turn up anywhere for effect.
  4. The "rule" of reasonable doubt kicks in though when there is a dispute.
    Did an individual, or a group of people continuously say and promote something and can it be proven that they did? If yes then the point is resolved.

    Sturgeon? Yes we are in agreement that she is comitted to her policies, and does as much as she can be expected to achieve them. I don't share all her politics but I don't question her commitment.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  5. You listen to Finm's Pish too much, he posts irrelevant bollocks into a specific debate. I sell nearly 40% to the EU and further afield: to the far east and all over the world. It will not negatively affect my business, it takes no longer to invoice and send an order anywhere, so I'm unsure what your point is :thinkingface: I am not shooting myself in the foot by wanting to leave now with no deal - even though I have close family and business interests in the EU. But more importantly I am not selfish with my views like some have aired on here :bucktooth:

    The way me and Finm interact should also be taken with a pinch of salt as we are practically brothers o_O but his post was not relevant to the current discussing point and typical of any remoaner - it was designed to cloud the discussion with false news - like the people didn't know what they were voting for - absolute remainer pish as proven above... :):upyeah:
    • Like Like x 1
  6. Okay to remainers, if I can put this to you, we had 8 indicative votes recently in parliament

    No Deal
    Common market 2.0
    EEA/EFTA but without the customs union
    Customs union
    Labours plan
    revoke article 50
    Confirmatory public vote
    Contingent preferential arrangements

    The following were not selected to be indicative votes
    The malthouse compromise
    revocation instead of no deal
    New customs union
    unilateral right of exit from the backstop
    Consent of devolved institutions
    Contingent of reciprocal arrangements
    Respect the referendum result.

    Now using your own argument of leavers didn't know what they voted for, can I politely ask
    Which level of remain did YOU vote for
    • Like Like x 1
  7. not realy exe, cameron was seen as the establishment by the brexiteers, the whole campaighn was anti establishment. also there is the repition to consider. i dont need to tell a con man how to con surely?.
    • WTF WTF x 2
  8. I’m not really sure what the dispute is.
    Is it why did people vote leave ?

    Agree about Sturgeon.
  9. how many do you sell? do you manufacture them and type aprove them? do they turn up in the EU by the container full?
  10. I agree with Fin to a point (excluding spelling and his English).... But Exige is no con man.... very honest in my humble opinion.
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Love You Love You x 1
  11. You already know the answers to these questions?
  12. No, Its what the country would have if it voted Leave.
  13. I was answering a directed question regarding my business and answered it truthfully - I am not in the FTSE100 dude so irrelevant as they mostly want to remain, for selfish reasons not the good of the country :):upyeah:
  14. ok, i will have another go, how will it be good for me? how does cetralising power in london help the rUK?
  15. So you were trying to influence by using conning tactics, I merely pointed this out :eyes:
  16. Have you looked into it :thinkingface: it probably won't affect you at all, which is why I wonder why you are such a staunch remainer - something to do with your indi dreams, but then why you want EU masters in charge is beyond me :bucktooth:
  17. It think you might have misunderstood?

    You offer
    Two belts
    High quality surpassing OEM
    Clear Instructions
    Fast delivery, well packaged
    Great price

    I know because I bought them. they were just as described and I am a very satisfied customer.

    If you only actually supplied one belt, or the quality was really poor it would be a different thing alltogether.

    People voted Leave and were promised many things but the package always included Uninterupted Free Trade, Customs Union & Single Market
  18. its very hard not swear when you reveal what you know (or dont) about the uk/EU on here.
    have i looked into it? jezzus h christ.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  19. During the campaign ?

    Basically, the U.K. would not to tied to the Ep anymore.

    I think people voted leave because of the basic argument - remain said it will stay the same, leave said it could get better.
    Just over half the country wanted change, for whatever reason. Bit worrying really that that many people kind of thought ‘I have nothing to lose by leaving the Ep’
  20. in a nut shell.
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
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